ISSN 1555-5534 (print)    ISSN 1555-5615 (online)

Progress in Physics

The international journal on advanced studies in theoretical and experimental physics, including related themes from mathematics and astronomy.

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About the Journal

Progress in Physics has been created for publications on advanced studies in theoretical and experimental physics, including related themes from mathematics and astronomy. Commencing in 2014 we changed the numbering of the journal volumes: annual volumes are now numbered year-by-year beginning from volume 1 (2005), while individual issues are numbered as earlier within every year.

Progress in Physics promotes individual academic freedom according to the Declaration of Academic Freedom, published in the journal. We therefore consider all works without regard to affiliations or personality of the submitters. For this reason, the articles published in Progress in Physics may not necessarily represent the scientific views of the Editorial Board or its individual members.

The Declaration of Academic Freedom applies to truly scientific submissions, i.e., submissions that are written as proper scientific papers, free of logical, mathematical and physical errors. All submitted papers need to be professional, in good English, containing a brief review of a problem and obtained results of original research. Letters related to the publications in the journal or to the events among the scientific community can be applied to the section Letters to Progress in Physics.

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List of Published Papers

Progress in Physics is an open-access journal of physics, which is published and distributed in accordance with the Budapest Open Initiative and the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 2.5 License. This means that the electronic copies of the journal can always be downloaded and re-distributed by any person free of charge. The complete issues of Progress in Physics and individual papers published therein are accessed, in PDF format, from this page.

2024 (vol. 20), no. 2

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
Galileo's Principle and the Origin of Gravitation According to General Relativity [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
Introducing the Space Metric of a Rotating Massive Body and Four New Effects of General Relativity [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Galaxy Clusters: Quantum Celestial Mechanics (QCM) Rescues MOND? [ PDF ]

Morozov N. A.
On the Possibility of a Scientific Prognosis of the Weather with the Introduction of Galactic Impacts into Analysis [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Yang-Mills Theory in the Framework of General Relativity [ PDF ]

Open for submissions

2024 (vol. 20), no. 1

Smarandache F., Ries A., Millette P., Chifu E.
Progress in Physics: Twentieth Year of Publication (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
On the Lambda Term in Einstein's Equations and Its Influence on the Cosmological Redshift (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Cosmological Redshift: Which Cosmological Model Best Explains It? (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Noh Y.J.
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Discrete Time II [ PDF ]

Dvoeglazov V.V.
Addendum to "The Feynman-Dyson propagators for neutral particles (locality or non-locality?)" [ PDF ]

Muktibodh A.
Santilli's Recovering of Einstein's Determinism [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Partial Collisions of Unmater-Matter, Unmatter-Antimatter, and Unmatter1-Unmatter2 to Generate High Energy [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
The Vacuum Stress-Energy Tensor in General Relativity [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Gödel Time Travel: New Highlights [ PDF ]

Abbey G.F., Simfukwe J., Simpemba P.S., Phiri S.P., Srivastava A., Nyambuya G.G.
Inference of Plausible Spatial Sizes of GRB Systems Using Newly Proposed FDSL-Model for GRB Time Delays [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Graph Theory Entropy Values for Lepton and Quark Discrete Symmetry Quantum States and Their Decay Channels [ PDF ]

2023 (vol. 19), no. 2

Noh Y.J.
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Discrete Time I [ PDF ]

Thomas G.F.
The Arrow of Time and Its Irreversibility [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Fractal Quantization of Speed in Physics of Numerical Relations [ PDF ]

Consiglio J.
From Particle Physics to Cosmology, on the Gravitational Sub-structure of Everything [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X. and Salonis C.
Gamow Theory for Diproton Decays of Proton-Rich Heavy Nuclei 45Fe and 67Kr [ PDF ]

Meng X.
Surprising Results from Experiments of a Longitudinally Separated Slit [ PDF ]

Raief H.
Scalar Field Effects on the Space-Time Continuum and the Appearance of the Rest-Mass [ PDF ]

2023 (vol. 19), no. 1

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Physical Observables in General Relativity and the Zelmanov Chronometric Invariants [ PDF ]

Burra G.S.
Fission with a Difference [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Avoiding Negative Energies in Quantum Mechanics [ PDF ]

Porcelli E.B. and Filho V.S.
Novel Insights into Nonlocal Gravity [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Space and Gravity [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Fermion Mass Derivations: I. Neutrino Masses via the Linear Superposition of the 2T, 2O, and 2I Discrete Symmetry Binary Subgroups of SU(2) [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
A Derivation of Planck's Constant from the Principles of Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Zitterbewegung and the Non-Holonomity of Pseudo-Riemannian Spacetime [ PDF ]

Santilli R.M.
Reduction of Matter in the Universe to Protons and Electrons via the Lie-isotopic Branch of Hadronic Mechanics [ PDF ]

Zhong Y.C.
Calculation of Outgoing Longwave Radiation in the Absence of Surface Radiation of the Earth [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Natural Metrology in Physics of Numerical Relations [ PDF ]

2022 (vol. 18), no. 2

Marquet P.
How to Couple the Space-Time Curvature With the Yang-Mills Theory [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Physics of Irrational Numbers [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Proposed Laboratory Measurement of the Gravitational Repulsion Predicted by Quantum Celestial Mechanics (QCM) [ PDF ]

Wilenchik J.D.
An Observational Test of Doppler's Theory Using Solar-System Objects [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On Action in the Spacetime Continuum [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Black Hole Universe — A Complete Structure of the Entire Spacetime [ PDF ]

Noh Y.J.
Lamb Shift in Discrete Time [ PDF ]

Santilli R.M.
A Quantitative Representation of Particle Entanglements via Bohm's Hidden Variable According to Hadronic Mechanics [ PDF ]

Santilli R.M.
Apparent Resolution of the Coulomb Barrier for Nuclear Fusions Via the Irreversible Lie-admissible Branch of Hadronic Mechanics [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Nature of Some Cosmic Radiations [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On the Nature of the Spacetime Continuum [ PDF ]

2022 (vol. 18), no. 1

Schilling O.F.
The Energy Spectra of Cosmic Ray Protons, the Origin of Gluons, and the Mechanism of Baryon Generation [ PDF ]

Laedermann J.-P.
On the Quantification of Relativistic Trajectories [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Combinatorics and Frequency Distributions as the Determining Factors of Electron and Nuclear Spectra [ PDF ]

Santilli R.M.
Apparent Unsettled Value of the Recently Measured Muon Magnetic Moment [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Are Tensorial Affinities Possible? [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Conditions for the Riemannian Description of Maxwell's Source-Free Field Equations [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Non-Quantum Teleportation in a Rotating Space With a Strong Electromagnetic Field [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Deflection of Light Rays and Mass-Bearing Particles in the Field of a Rotating Body [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Physics of Transcendental Numbers as Forming Factor of the Solar System [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Length Stretching and Time Dilation in the Field of a Rotating Body [ PDF ]

Sanchez F.M., Bizouard C., Grosmann M., Weigel D., Veysseyre R., Kotov V.
Space-Time Quantification [ PDF ]

Santilli R.M.
Iso-Representation of the Deuteron Spin and Magnetic Moment via Bohm's Hidden Variables [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Gödel Time Travel With Warp Drive Propulsion [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Twin Universes Confirmed by General Relativity [ PDF ]

2021 (vol. 17), no. 2

Marquet P.
The Exact Gödel Metric [ PDF ]

Meng X.
A Statistical Approach to Two-particle Bell Tests [ PDF ]

Zhong Y.C.
A Quantitative Description of Atmospheric Absorption and Radiation at Equilibrium Surface Temperature [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
Explicit Values for Gravitational and Hubble Constants from Cosmological Entropy Bound and Alpha-Quantization of Particle Masses [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Physics of Transcendental Numbers Determines Star Distribution [ PDF ]

Greaves E.D., Bracho C., Gift S., Rodriguez A.M.
A Solution to the Pioneer Anomalous Annual and Diurnal Residuals [ PDF ]

Zhang T. X.
Gamow Theory for Transmission and Decay of Unbound Diprotons [ PDF ]

Müller H., Baccara R., Hofmann R. L., Lonero G., Muratori S., Papa G., Santoni F., Todesco L., Zanellati F., Khosravi L.
Entropy Analysis of the Bioelectrical Activity of Plants [ PDF ]

Danilov V.I.
Ocean Currents and Tidal Movements: The Real Causes [ PDF ]

Consa O.
Searching for the Feynman Diagram IIc [ PDF ]

Reshma P., Prasanth P., Udayanandan K.M.
The Curse of Dimensionality in Physics [ PDF ]

Noh Y.J.
Anomalous Magnetic Moment in Discrete Time [ PDF ]

Santilli R.M.
Representation of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muons via the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Completion of Quantum into Hadronic Mechanics [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On Eddington's Temperature of Interstellar Space and the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
In Memoriam of Simon Shnoll (1930-2021) (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Physics of Transcendental Numbers on the Origin of Astrogeophysical Cycles [ PDF ]

2021 (vol. 17), no. 1

Johns O.D.
Relativistically Correct Electromagnetic Energy Flow [ PDF ]

Msindo S., Nyambuya G.G., Nyamhere C.
Plausible Fundamental Origins of Emissivity (I) [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
Remark to Approach to the Schwarzschild Metric with SL(2,R) Group Decomposition [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
The Substantive Model of the Proton According to J. Wheeler's Geometrodynamic Concept [ PDF ]

Dvoeglazov V.V.
Algebra of Discrete Symmetries in the Extended Poincaré Group [ PDF ]

Weng S.
Theoretical Study on Polarized Photon [ PDF ]

Dvoeglazov V.V.
A Note on the Barut Second-Order Equation [ PDF ]

Dorda G.
The Unification of the Basic Units Meter, Kilogram and Second and the Essence of the Phenomenon Time [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
A Survey on Uncertainty Relations and Quantum Measurements: Arguments for Lucrative Parsimony in Approaches of Matters [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Laser Action in the Stellar Atmospheres of Wolf-Rayet Stars and Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs) [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Physics of Transcendental Numbers Meets Gravitation [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
The Role Played by Plasma Waves in Stabilizing Solar Nuclear Fusion [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Driven by Gravitational Forces? [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Stellar Evolution of High Mass-Loss Stars [ PDF ]

Müller H., Angeli R., Baccara R., Hofmann R.L., Muratori S., Nastasi O., Papa G., Santoni F., Venegoni C., Zanellati F., Khosravi L.
Physics of Numbers as Model of Telepathic Entanglement [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Dirac 4×1 Wavefunction Recast into a 4×4 Type Wavefunction [ PDF ]

2020 (vol. 16), no. 2

Nyambuya G.G.
Fundamental Geometrodynamic Justification of Gravitomagnetism (I) [ PDF ]

McCulloch M.E.
Can Nano-Materials Push Off the Vacuum? [ PDF ]

Czerwinski A.
New Approach to Measurement in Quantum Tomography [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
The Physics of Lithospheric Slip Displacements in Plate Tectonics [ PDF ]

Bei G. and Passaro D.
Symmetry Breaking Model of Volume Pulsating Walking Droplets [ PDF ]

Van Hoek A.N.
The Ambiguity of Celestial Dynamics [ PDF ]

Noh Y.J.
Propagation of a Particle in Discrete Time [ PDF ]

Yépez O.
On the Electron Pair, the Single Bond C-C Rotational Energy Barrier and Other Molecular Mechanisms [ PDF ]

Consa O.
The Unpublished Feynman Diagram IIc [ PDF ]

Szeruda R.
A Model of the Universe Expanding at a Constant Speed [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
Approach to the Schwarzschild Metric with SL(2,R) Group Decomposition [ PDF ]

Floyd E.R.
A Wave Representation for Massless Neutrino Oscillations: The Weak Interaction Transmutes the Wave Function [ PDF ]

2020 (vol. 16), no. 1

Dorda G.
The Interpretation of the Hubble-Effect and of Human Vision Based on the Differentiated Structure of Space [ PDF ]

Tselnik F.
Predictability Is Fundamental [ PDF ]

Dorda G.
The Interpretation of Sound on the Basis of the Differentiated Structure of Three-Dimensional Space [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
A Pedestrian Derivation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle on Stochastic Phase-Space [ PDF ]

Essén H.
Magnetic Energy, Superconductivity, and Dark Matter [ PDF ]

Czerwinski A.
Quantum State Tomography for Qutrits Subject to Laser Cooling [ PDF ]

Yépez O.
Can the Nuclear Liquid Drop Model Be Improved? [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., El-Shal A.O., Taha M.M., El-Sayed M.A.
Properties of Superdeformed Rotational Bands in the Perturbed SU(3) Limit of the sdg Interacting Boson Model [ PDF ]

Greaves E.D., Bracho C., Mikoss I.
A Solution to the Flyby Anomaly Riddle [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Gravity in the Microworld [ PDF ]

Adamenko S.V., Kapshuk A.S., Novikov V.E., Skorbun A.D., Shpyl'ka S.N. and Yatsyshyn V.A.
Application of the Theory of Hyperrandom Phenomena in the Search for Signs of the External Influence on Radioactive Decay and the Possibility of Quantitative Estimates [ PDF ]

Adamenko S.V., Kapshuk A.S., Novikov V.E., Skorbun A.D., Shpyl'ka S.N. and Yatsyshyn V.A.
Periodic Phenomena in the Rate of Radioactive Decay Under the Action of an Electromagnetic Field [ PDF ]

2019 (vol. 15), no. 3

Kritov A.
From the Geometry of the FLRW to the Gravitational Dynamics [ PDF ]

Müller H.
The Physics of Transcendental Numbers [ PDF ]

Mao L.
A New Understanding of the Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
Unified Two Dimensional Spacetime for the River Model of Gravity and Cosmology [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
A Simple Proof of the Second Law of Thermodynamics [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Liouville's Theorem as a Subtle Statement of the First Law of Thermodynamics [ PDF ]

Boyd R.N.
Resolution of the Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes [ PDF ]

Schilling O.F.
Generation of Baryons from Electromagnetic Instabilities of the Vacuum [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Nuclear Fusion with Coulomb Barrier Lowered by Scalar Field [ PDF ]

Schilling O.F.
Instability of Protons Beyond 3 GeV Kinetic Energies Explains the Flux Profiles Observed in Cosmic Rays [ PDF ]

2019 (vol. 15), no. 2

Daywitt W.C.
The Dirac Equation and Its Relationship to the Fine Structure Constant According to the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

White P.B.
A Derivation of Space and Time [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Twin Universes: a New Approach [ PDF ]

Plekhanov V.G. and Buitrago J.
Evidence of Residual Strong Interaction at Nuclear-Atomic Level via Isotopic Shift in LiH-LiD Crystals [ PDF ]

McCulloch M.E.
Can We Hide Gravitational Sources behind Rindler Horizons? [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
A Mathematical Definition of "Simplify" [ PDF ]

Mao L.
Science's Dilemma — a Review on Science with Applications [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
The Origin of Inertial Mass in the Spacetime Continuum [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
A Space Charging Model for the Origin of Planets' Magnetic Fields [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
On the Fluid Model of the Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Field [ PDF ]

Potter F.
GR = QM: Revealing the Common Origin for Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics via a Feedback Signal Approach to Fundamental Particle Behavior [ PDF ]

Sanchez F.M., Kotov V.A., Grosmann M., Weigel D., Veysseyre R., Bizouard C., Flawisky N., Gayral D., Gueroult L.
Back to Cosmos [ PDF ]

2019 (vol. 15), no. 1

Yépez O.
Picometer Toroidal Structures Found in the Covalent Bond [ PDF ]

Consiglio J.
Toward the Fields Origin [ PDF ]

Müller H.
On the Cosmological Significance of Euler's Number [ PDF ]

Wackler C.M.
Retraction of "Outline of a Kinematic Light Experiment" [ PDF ]

Adamu S.B., Faragai I.A., Ibrahim U.
Optical Absorption in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well due to Intersubband transitions [ PDF ]

Müller H.
The Cosmological Significance of Superluminality [ PDF ]

Silva P.R.
Fermi Scale and Neutral Pion Decay [ PDF ]

Dvoeglazov V.V.
On the Incompatibility of the Dirac-like Field Operator with the Majorana Anzatz [ PDF ]

Petit J.-P., D'Agostini G., Debergh N.
Physical and Mathematical Consistency of the Janus Cosmological Model (JCM) [ PDF ]

Dvoeglazov V.V.
Non-commutativity: Unusual View [ PDF ]

2018 (vol. 14), no. 4

Potter F.
Elimination of Anomalies Reported for bs l l and bc l νl Semi-Leptonic Decay Ratios R(K,K*) and R(D,D*) when the Lepton Families Represent Discrete Symmetry Binary Subgroups 2T, 2O, 2I of SU(2) [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
On the Anomalous Electronic Heat Capacity γ-Coefficient [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Dirac Electron and Its Propagator as Viewed in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
QED Mass Renormalization, Vacuum Polarization and Self-Energies in the Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum (STCED) [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Nature of the Electron and Proton as Viewed in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Kundeti M. and Rajendra P.M.B.
Theory of Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Lamb Shift of Extended Electron in Stochastic Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Speed of Light and the Continuity of Physical Vacuum [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
Unfalsifiable Conjectures in Mathematics [ PDF ]

Consa O.
The Helicon: A New Preon Model [ PDF ]

Müller H., Angeli R., Baccara R., Contenti F., Hofmann R.L., Muratori S., Papa G., Santoni F., Turiano A., Turiano S., Venegoni C., Khosravi L.
On the Acceleration of Free Fall inside Polyhedral Structures [ PDF ]

Petit J.-P.
Janus Cosmological Model and the Fluctuations of the CMB [ PDF ]

Levin B. M.
On the Supersymmetry Realization of Involving β+-Orthopositronium. Phenomenology [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Nature and Values of the Gravitational and Cosmological Constants [ PDF ]

2018 (vol. 14), no. 3

Tselnik F.
Cosmological Cold Dark Matter and Dark Energy Match Icosahedron Symmetry [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Planck Vacuum Physics Behind the Huygens Principle and the Propagator Theory for the Schr&oumldinger Electron [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Predicting Total Angular Momentum in TRAPPIST-1 and Many Other Multi-planetary Systems Using Quantum Celestial Mechanics [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On the Classical Scaling of Quantum Entanglement [ PDF ]

Mashkin M.N.
Matter in a Space of a Fractional Dimension. A Cosmological System of Spaces and Evolution of the Universe [ PDF ]

Mashkin M.N.
Calculation of the Density of Vacuum Matter, the Speed of Time and the Space Dimension [ PDF ]

Andersen T.C.
Fully Classical Quantum Gravity [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Emission: Blackbody and Cavity Radiation Reconsidered [ PDF ]

Wackler C.M.
Outline of a Kinematic Light Experiment [ PDF ]

Mashkin M.N.
Fractional Degrees of Freedom in Statistics [ PDF ]

Sarasúa L.
Seeliger's Gravitational Paradox and the Infinite Universe [ PDF ]

Feeney A.M.
Utilizing Future-Viewing Instruments [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Thermodynamics and the Virial Theorem, Gravitational Collapse and the Virial Theorem: Insight from the Laws of Thermodynamics [ PDF ]

2018 (vol. 14), no. 2

Scott D.E.
Birkeland Currents and Dark Matter [ PDF ]

McCulloch M.E.
Can Cold Fusion Be Explained by Quantised Inertia? [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Global Scaling of Planetary Atmospheres [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Possible Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy [ PDF ]

Mayhew K.W.
Kinetic Theory: Flatlining of Polyatomic Gases [ PDF ]

Consa O.
Helical Solenoid Model of the Electron [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Concerning the Dirac γ-Matrices Under a Lorentz Transformation of the Dirac Equation [ PDF ]

Nyambuya G.G.
Oscillating Massless Neutrinos [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Global Scaling of Planetary Systems [ PDF ]

2018 (vol. 14), no. 1

Müller H.
Astrobiological Aspects of Global Scaling [ PDF ]

Abdelmohssin F.A.Y.
Modified Standard Einstein's Field Equations and the Cosmological Constant [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Bosons and Fermions as Dislocations and Disclinations in the Spacetime Continuum [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Gravity as Attractor Effect of Stability Nodes in Chain Systems of Harmonic Quantum Oscillators [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Ultimate Energy of Cosmic Rays [ PDF ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
Cosmological Redshift in the De Sitter Stationary Universe [ PDF ]

Eid S.A. and Diab S.M.
Nuclear Structure of 154,156Dy Isotopes [ PDF ]

Grigoryan A., Kutuzyan A., Yesayan G.
Soliton-effect Spectral Self-compression for Different Initial Pulses [ PDF ]

Petit J.-P.
A Symplectic Cosmological Model [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Quantum Gravity Aspects of Global Scaling and the Seismic Profile of the Earth [ PDF ]

Medina V. and Falcon N.
Relativistic Model for Radiating Spherical Collapse [ PDF ]

2017 (vol. 13), no. 4

Müller H.
Scale-Invariant Models of Natural Oscillations in Chain Systems and Their Cosmological Significance [ PDF ]

Grushka Ya.I.
Notes on Extended Lorentz Transformations for Superluminal Reference Frames [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On Time Dilation, Space Contraction, and the Question of Relativistic Mass [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Global Scaling as Heuristic Model for Search of Additional Planets in the Solar System [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Rabounski D.
Discovered "Angel Particle", which is Both Matter and Antimatter, as a New Experimental Proof of Unmatter [ PDF ]

Zhang B.J. and Zhang T.X.
Vacuum Polarization by Scalar Field of Bose-Einstein Condensates and Experimental Design with Laser Interferences [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On the Question of Acceleration in Special Relativity [ PDF ]

Grushka Ya.I.
Theorem of Non-Returning and Time Irreversibility of Tachyon Kinematics [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Chain Systems of Harmonic Quantum Oscillators as a Fractal Model of Matter and Global Scaling in Biophysics [ PDF ]

Catania J.
A Comment on "Can the One-way Speed of Light be Used for Detection of Violations of the Relativity Principle?" (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

2017 (vol. 13), no. 3

Douari J.
The Curved Space is the Electrified Flat Space [ PDF ]

Elmaghraby E.K.
Configuration Mixing in Particle Decay and Reaction [ PDF ]

Consiglio J.
Are Energy and Space-time Expanding Together? [ PDF ]

Caritá L.A., Rodrigues I., Puerari I., Schiavo L.E.C.A.
Using the SALI Method to Distinguish Chaotic and Regular Orbits in Barred Galaxies with the LP-VIcode Program [ PDF ]

Mayhew K.W.
A New Perspective for Kinetic Theory and Heat Capacity [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Exotic Matter: A New Perspective [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Testing 5D Gravity with LIGO for Space Polarization by Scalar Field [ PDF ]

2017 (vol. 13), no. 2

Borissova L.
A Telemetric Multispace Formulation of Riemannian Geometry, General Relativity, and Cosmology: Implications for Relativistic Cosmology and the True Reality of Time [ PDF ]

Silva N.P.
A Single Big Bang and Innumerable Similar Finite Observable Universes [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
Physical Properties of Stars and Stellar Dynamics [ PDF ]

Annila A.
Flyby Anomaly via Least Action [ PDF ]

McCulloch M.E.
The Proton Radius Anomaly from the Sheltering of Unruh Radiation [ PDF ]

Consiglio J.
Energy is the Expansion [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
On a 4th Rank Tensor Gravitational Field Theory [ PDF ]

Kahane S. and Moreh R.
Optimizing the Teflon Thickness for Fast Neutron Detection Using a Ge Detector [ PDF ]

Colenbrander B.G. and Hulscher W.S.
The Newtonian Constant G and the Einstein Equations [ PDF ]

Baer W., Reiter E., Jabs H.
Null Result for Cahill's 3-Space Gravitational Wave Experiment with Zener Diode Detectors [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Calculating the Parameters of the Tetraneutron (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Scholkmann F.
Harmonic Orbital Resonances and Orbital Long-Range Order of the TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanetary System [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Introducing a Theory of Neutrosophic Evolution: Degrees of Evolution, Indeterminacy, and Involution (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Ogiba F.
On the Vacuum Induced Periodicities Inherent to Maxwell Equations [ PDF ]

2017 (vol. 13), no. 1

Daywitt W.C.
An Explanation of De Broglie Matter Waves in Terms of the Electron Coupling to the Vacuum State [ PDF ]

Silva N.P.
Beyond the Hubble's Law [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Are Quazars White Holes? [ PDF ]

Levin B.M.
Atom of Long-Range Action Instead of Counter-Productive Tachyon Phenomenology. Decisive Experiment of the New (Additional) Phenomenology Outside of the Light Cone [ PDF ]

Levin B.M.
Half-Century History of the Project of New (Additional) Gℏ/ck-Physics [ PDF ]

Belmonte C., Vanden Berghe F., Panajotov K., Durt T.
Probing Quantum Memory Effects in the Single Photon Regime [ PDF ]

Laidlaw A.
Relativity and the Luminal Structure of Matter [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Okasha M.D. and Abdelbased K.M.
Occurrence and Properties of Low Spin Identical Bands in Normal-Deformed Even-Even Nuclei [ PDF ]

2016 (vol. 12), no. 4

Consiglio J.
Take Fifteen Minutes to Compute the Fine Structure Constant (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Bilbao L.
Does the Velocity of Light Depend on the Source Movement? [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Vacuum Background Field in General Relativity [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
On the Physical Nature of the de Broglie Wave [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Antigravity and Vacuum Propulsion in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Ogiba F.
On the Quantum-Relativistic Behavior of Moving Particles [ PDF ]

Faizuddin A.
Type III Spacetime with Closed Timelike Curves [ PDF ]

Seaver J.R.
Experimental and Theoretical Test of Cahill's Detection of Absolute Velocity in Gas-mode Interferometer Experiments [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
Dark Matter, the Correction to Newton's Law in a Disk [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Principle of Spacetime Black Hole Equivalence [ PDF ]

Seaver J.R.
Attempt to Replicate Cahill's Quantum Gravity Experiment to Measure Absolute Velocity [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Some Insights on the Nature of the Vacuum Background Field in General Relativity (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
Conservation Laws and Energy Budget in a Static Universe [ PDF ]

2016 (vol. 12), no. 3

Yurkin A.V.
On the Descriptive Geometric Interpretation of Pauli Principle, Elements of the Mendeleev Table of Chemical Elements, and the Newtonian Laminar Current of a Liquid [ PDF ]

Eid S.A. and Diab S.M.
X(5) Symmetry to 152Sm [ PDF ]

Johnson R.J.
A Re-examination of Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Radiation in Relation to Recent Criticisms (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
A Re-examination of Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Radiation in Relation to Recent Criticisms: Reply (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Rybicki M.
Errata to "Mansouri-Sexl Test Theory: The Question of Equivalence between Special Relativity and Ether Theories" (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Esmail S.H. and Taha M.M.
Application of the Differential Transform Method to the Advection-Diffusion Equation in Three-Dimensions [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On the Applicability of Bell's Inequality [ PDF ]

Spivey R.J.
Coincident Down-chirps in GW150914 Betray the Absence of Event Horizons [ PDF ]

Marshall T.W.
Repulsive Gravity in the Oppenheimer-Snyder Collapsar [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Dirac-Electron Vacuum Wave [ PDF ]

Muralidhar K.
Mass of a Charged Particle with Complex Structure in Zeropoint Field [ PDF ]

Brodet E.
The Relationship Between the Possibility of a Hidden Variable in Time and the Uncertainty Principle [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
A Modern Interpretation of the Dirac-Electron Continuity Equation [ PDF ]

Marshall T.W.
Optics of the Event Horizon Telescope [ PDF ]

Matwi M.
The Dual Behavior of Quantum Fields and the Big Bang [ PDF ]

Consiglio J.
On Quantization and the Resonance Paths [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Nature of Ball Lightning [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Views (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Spivey R.J.
Criteria for Aerial Locomotion in Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Revisiting the Habitable Zone for Flying Lifeforms [ PDF ]

Muralidhar K.
The Structure of the Photon in Complex Vector Space [ PDF ]

Obagboye L.F., Howusu S.X.K., Chifu E.N. and Omaghali E.J.N.
Gravitational Waves from a Sinusoidially Varying Spherical Distribution of Mass [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Gravitational Shielding as Viewed in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

2016 (vol. 12), no. 2

Special Issue:  "The Method of Physics"

Tselnik F.
Irony of the Method. Foundations of Theoretical and Experimental Physics with Special Emphasis on the Contact Problem in Mechanics, Fields, and Particle Interactions [ PDF ]

2016 (vol. 12), no. 1

Rybicki M.
Type Ia Supernovae Progenitor Problem and the Variation of Fundamental Constants [ PDF ]

Hafeez Y.H., Chifu E.N. and Musa I.M.
Schrödinger Equation for a Half Spin Electron in a Time Dependent Magnetic Field [ PDF ]

Consiglio J.
On the Absorber in Gravitation [ PDF ]

Scholkmann F.
Power-Law Scaling of the Impact Crater Size-Frequency Distribution on Pluto: A Preliminary Analysis Based on First Images from New Horizons' Flyby [ PDF ]

Gogberashvili M.
Standard Model Particles from Split Octonions [ PDF ]

Zaninetti L. and Scholkmann F.
The Impact Crater Size-Frequency Distribution on Pluto Follows a Truncated Pareto Distribution: Results from a First Data Set Based on the Recent New Horizons' Flyby [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Determination of the Neutrino Mass [ PDF ]

Danilov V.
On the Nature of the Magnetic Field of the Earth and Other Planets [ PDF ]

Weng S.
A Classical Model of the Photon [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Update on Pluto and Its 5 Moons Obeying the Quantization of Angular Momentum per Unit Mass Constraint of Quantum Celestial Mechanics [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Deviation of the Standard Model Predictions in the Large Hadron Collider Experiments (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X., Wilson C. and Schamschula M.P.
X-Ray Flares from Sagittarius A* and Black Hole Universe [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On an Apparent Resolution of the Catt Question [ PDF ]

Catania J.
The Roland De Witte Experiment, R. T. Cahill, and the One-Way Speed of Light (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Spivey R.J.
A Non-anthropic Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Further Insight Relative to Cavity Radiation III: Gedanken Experiments, Irreversibility, and Kirchhoff's Law [ PDF ]

Rybicki M.
Mansouri-Sexl Test Theory: The Question of Equivalence between Special Relativity and Ether Theories (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

2015 (vol. 11), no. 4

Millette P.A.
Dislocations in the Spacetime Continuum: Framework for Quantum Physics [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
A Planck Vacuum Pilot Model for Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Antiparticles and Charge Conjugation in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
The Burgers Spacetime Dislocation Constant b0 and the Derivation of Planck's Constant [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Quantum Gravity Experiments [ PDF ]

Spivey R.J.
Dispelling Black Hole Pathologies Through Theory and Observation [ PDF ]

Vrba A.L.
Reservations on Cahill's Quantum Gravity Experiment (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Piñol M.
A Model of Dust-like Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse without Event Horizon Formation [ PDF ]

Rossler O.E.
The c-global Revival in Physics (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

2015 (vol. 11), no. 3

Mao L.
A New Understanding of Particles by G-Flow Interpretation of Differential Equation [ PDF ]

Messina J.F.
Question of Planckian "Action" in Gravitational Wave Detection Experiments [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Anisotropic Brownian Motion Experiment [ PDF ]

Chafin C.
Beyond Quantum Fields: A Classical Fields Approach to QED [ PDF ]

Chafin C.
The Slicing Theory of Quantum Measurement: Derivation of Transient Many Worlds Behavior [ PDF ]

Filin E.Y., Repkov A.V., Voronov V.V., Tolokonnikova A.A., Shnoll S.E.
Synchronous Changes of the Shape of Histograms Constructed from the Results of Measurements of 90-Sr Beta-Decay and 239-Pu Alpha-Decay Observed in More than 3000 km Distant Laboratories [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M. and Rabounski D.
Polarized Light from the Sun: Unification of the Corona and Analysis of the Second Solar Spectrum — Further Implications of a Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Solar Model [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Unmatter Plasma Discovered (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Scholkmann F. and Pugach A.F.
Unexplained Oscillations in Deflection Angle Fluctuations of a Novel Type of Torsion Balance [ PDF ]

Hafeez H.Y., Chifu E.N., and Isyaku S.
Analytical Study of the Van der Pol Equation in the Autonomous Regime [ PDF ]

Mohammed-Azizi B., Helmaoui A., and Medjadi D.-E.
Shape Transition in the Even-Even Cerium Isotopes [ PDF ]

Khoshyaran M.M.
Other Earths: Search for Life and the Constant Curvature [ PDF ]

Azimov M.A. and Akhmedov T.R.
On the Possible Mechanism of Interaction of High-Energy Particles with Nuclei [ PDF ]

Mao L.
A Review on Natural Reality with Physical Equations [ PDF ]

Gladky A.V., Petrova L.P., Khlebopros R.G.
Abraham I. Fet (1924–2007). In Memory of the 90th Anniversary (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

2015 (vol. 11), no. 2

Rabounski D., Borissova L., Ries A., Millette P., Chifu E., Quznetsov G.

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Florentin Smarandache (Editorial Message) [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
A Physical Model of Pulsars as Gravitational Shielding and Oscillating Neutron Stars [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Structured Proton and the Structureless Electron as Viewed in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M. and Crothers S.J.
"The Theory of Heat Radiation" Revisited: A Commentary on the Validity of Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Emission and Max Planck's Claim of Universality [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Scaling of Body Masses and Orbital Periods in the Solar System [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
In Memoriam of Joseph C. Hafele (1933-2014) (Editorial Message) [ PDF ]

Scholkmann F.
Solar-Time or Sidereal-Time Dependent? The Diurnal Variation in the Anisotropy of Diffusion Patterns Observed by J. Dai (2014, Nat. Sci.) (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

McCulloch M.E.
Energy from Swastika-Shaped Rotors [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Gaballah N., Elgabry M.F. and Ghanim H.A.
Nuclear Phase Transition from Spherical to Axially Symmetric Deformed Shapes Using Interacting Boson Model [ PDF ]

Ogiba F.
Planck's Radiation Law: Thermal Excitations of Vacuum Induced Fluctuations [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
Diffusion Equations, Quantum Fields and Fundamental Interactions [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Scaling of Moon Masses and Orbital Periods in the Systems of Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus [ PDF ]

Scott D.E.
Birkeland Currents: A Force-Free Field-Aligned Model [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
An Eidetic Reflex and Moment of Breakthrough in Time and Scientific Creation: 10 Years of Progress in Physics, 100 Years of General Relativity, and the Zelmanov Cosmological Group (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Ries A.
Qualitative Prediction of Isotope Abundances with the Bipolar Model of Oscillations in a Chain System [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
Addenda to My Paper "New Possible Physical Evidence of the Homogeneous Electromagnetic Vector Potential for Quantum Theory. Idea of a Test Based on a G. P. Thomson-like Arrangement" (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The de Broglie Relations Derived from the Electron and Proton Coupling to the Planck Vacuum State [ PDF ]

2015 (vol. 11), no. 1

Rabounski D.
Progress in Physics: 10 Years in Print (Editorial Message) [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
Trapping Regions for the Navier-Stokes Equations [ PDF ]

Malek A.
Majorana Particles: A Dialectical Necessity and not a Quantum Oddity [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
An Essay on Numerology of the Proton to Electron Mass Ratio (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Ives-Stilwell Time Dilation Li+ ESR Darmstadt Experiment and Neo-Lorentz Relativity [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Strong and Weak Forces and their Relationship to the Dirac Particles and the Vacuum State [ PDF ]

Zelsacher R.
Lorentzian Type Force on a Charge at Rest. Part II [ PDF ]

Chafin C.
Gauge Freedom and Relativity: A Unified Treatment of Electromagnetism, Gravity and the Dirac Field [ PDF ]

Akhmedov T.R.
Bio-Precursors of Earthquakes and Their Possible Mechanism (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Akhmedov T.R.
Astrophysical Clock and Manned Mission to Mars [ PDF ]

Zaveri V.H.
Periodic Relativity: Deflection of Light, Acceleration, Rotation Curves [ PDF ]

Tselnik F.
Motion-to-Motion Gauge for the Electroweak Interaction of Leptons [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
Mixed Ion-Electron Conductivity and Superconductivity in Ceramic Electrolytes [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Weinberg Angle Derivation from Discrete Subgroups of SU(2) and All That [ PDF ]

McCulloch M.E.
Can the Emdrive Be Explained by Quantised Inertia? [ PDF ]

Gaballah N.
Structures of Superdeforemed States in Nuclei with A~60 Using Two-Parameter Collective Model [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Notice of Revision: "On the Equation which Governs Cavity Radiation I, II", by Pierre-Marie Robitaille [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Nuclear Power and the Structure of a Nucleus According to J. Wheeler's Geometrodynamic Concept [ PDF ]

Tselnik F.
Motion-to-Motion Gauge Entails the Flavor Families [ PDF ]

2014 (vol. 10), no. 4

Belyakov A.V.
On Materiality and Dimensionality of the Space. Is There Some Unit of the Field? [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E.
On the Cosmophysical Origin of Random Processes. Open Letter to the Scientific Community on the Basis of Experimental Results Obtained During 1954-2014 (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Malek A.
The Real/Virtual Exchange of Quantum Particles as a Basis for the Resolution of Wave-Particle Duality and Other Anomalies of the Quantum Phenomena [ PDF ]

Malek A.
The Infinite as a Hegelian Philosophical Category and Its Implication for Modern Theoretical Natural Science (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
A Monte Carlo Simulation Framework for Testing Cosmological Models [ PDF ]

Chapman D.W.
Climate Change Resulting from Lunar Impact in the Year 1178 AD [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.
Dimension of Physical Space [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.
Informational Time [ PDF ]

Scholkmann F.
Indications for a Diurnal and Annual Variation in the Anisotropy of Diffusion Patterns — A Reanalysis of Data Presented by J. Dai (2014, Nat. Sci.) [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Solar Flare Five-Day Predictions from Quantum Detectors of Dynamical Space Fractal Flow Turbulence: Gravitational Wave Diminution and Earth Climate Cooling [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Proton-Neutron Bonding in the Deuteron Atom and Its Relation to the Strong Force as Viewed from the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M. and Okasha M.D.
Properties of Nuclear Superdeformed Rotational Bands in A~190 Mass Region [ PDF ]

Silva P.R.
First and Second Least Action Principles: de Broglie Frequency and Neutron Decay [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Wave-Particle Duality in the Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum (STCED) [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
Gödel's Universe Revisited [ PDF ]

2014 (vol. 10), no. 3

Cahill R.T.
Gravitational Wave Experiments with Zener Diode Quantum Detectors: Fractal Dynamical Space and Universe Expansion with Inflation Epoch [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.
Chrome of Baryons [ PDF ]

Potter F.
CKM and PMNS Mixing Matrices from Discrete Subgroups of SU(2) [ PDF ]

Medvedev S.Yu.
Superluminal Velocities in the Synchronized Space-Time [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Equation which Governs Cavity Radiation II [ PDF ]

Nyibule S., Henry E., Tõke J., Skulski W., and Schröder W.-U.
Digital Gamma-Neutron Discrimination with Organic Plastic Scintillator EJ 299-33 [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Blackbody Radiation in Optically Thick Gases? [ PDF ]

Proffitt D.
Black Hole Structure in Schwarzschild Coordinates [ PDF ]

Silva P.R.
Drude-Schwarzschild Metric and the Electrical Conductivity of Metals [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Why the Proton is Smaller and Heavier than the Electron [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
The Dichotomous Cosmology with a Static Material World and Expanding Luminous World [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
Tractatus Logico-Realismus: Surjective Monism and the Meta-Differential Logic of the Whole, the Word, and the World (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Silva N.P.
A Closed Universe Expanding Forever [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
New Possible Physical Evidence of the Homogeneous Electromagnetic Vector Potential for Quantum Theory. Idea of a Test Based on a G. P. Thomson-like Arrangement [ PDF ]

2014 (vol. 10), no. 2

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
General Relativity Theory Explains the Shnoll Effect and Makes Possible Forecasting Earthquakes and Weather Cataclysms (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Hansson J.
On the Origin of Elementary Particle Masses [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Extended Analysis of the Casimir Force [ PDF ]

Silva P.R.
Proton-Electron Mass Ratio: A Geometric Inference [ PDF ]

Silva P.R.
Memory of Living Beings and Its Three Characteristic Times [ PDF ]

Reiter E.S.
New Experiments Call for a Continuous Absorption Alternative to Quantum Mechanics — The Unquantum Effect [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M. and Altalhi F.A.
Staggering Phenomenon in Gamma Transitional Energies over Spin for Negative Parity States of Octupole Vibrational Nuclear Bands [ PDF ]

Silva N.P.
A Model for the Expansion of the Universe [ PDF ]

Germano M.
Binding Energy and Equilibrium of Compact Objects [ PDF ]

Ogiba F.
Addendum to "Phenomenological Derivation of the Schrödinger Equation" [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
Views about "Oxford Questions". Wave Functions Collapse and Schrödinger's Cat: Are They Real Scientific Topics or Plain Fictions? [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Electron and Proton Planck-Vacuum Coupling Forces and the Dirac Equation [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Further Insight Relative to Cavity Radiation II: Gedanken Experiments and Kirchhoff's Law [ PDF ]

Silva P.R.
Electrical Conductivity of Metals: A New Look at This Subject [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Equation which Governs Cavity Radiation (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

2014 (vol. 10), no. 1

Millette P.A.
Book Review: "Inside Stars. A Theory of the Internal Constitution of Stars, and the Sources of Stellar Energy According to General Relativity" (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Mass-Radius Relations of Z and Higgs-Like Bosons [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Aly H.F., Zaki A.A., and Ismail A.M.
Reexamination of Nuclear Shape Transitions in Gadolinium and Dysprosium Isotopes Chains by Using the Geometric Collective Model [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Aly H.F., Zaki A.A., and Ismail A.M.
Nuclear Potential Energy Surfaces and Critical Point Symmetries within the Geometric Collective Model [ PDF ]

Rothall D.P. and Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Observing Gravitational Wave Fluctuations and the Shnoll Effect using a Zener Diode Quantum Detector [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Kepler-47 Circumbinary Planets obey Quantization of Angular Momentum per Unit Mass predicted by Quantum Celestial Mechanics (QCM) [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Observed Gravitational Wave Effects: Amaldi 1980 Frascati-Rome Classical Bar Detectors, 2013 Perth-London Zener-Diode Quantum Detectors, Earth Oscillation Mode Frequencies [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
Florentin Smarandache: A Celebration (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On Some General Regularities of Formation of the Planetary Systems [ PDF ]

Robitaille L. and Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere VIII. "Futile" Processes in the Chromosphere (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Further Insight Relative to Cavity Radiation: A Thought Experiment Refuting Kirchhoff's Law (Letters to Progress in Physics) [ PDF ]

Okasha M.D.
ΔI = 2 Nuclear Staggering in Superdeformed Rotational Bands [ PDF ]

Zelsacher R.
Lorentzian Type Force on a Charge at Rest [ PDF ]

Hafeez Y.H. and Chifu E.N.
Flow of Viscous Fluid between Two Parallel Porous Plates with Bottom Injection and Top Suction [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N.
Orbits in Homogeneous Time Varying Spherical Spacetime [ PDF ]

Akhmedov T.R.
Exogenous Mechanism of the Time Sensor of Biological Clock [ PDF ]

Akhmedov T.R.
On the Effect of Lengthening Circadian Rhythm by Heavy Water [ PDF ]

2013 (vol. 9), no. 4

Tosto S.
Space-Time Uncertainty and Cosmology: a Proposed Quantum Model of the Universe [ PDF ]

Rothall D.P. and Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Black Holes in an Expanding Universe [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Dilatation–Distortion Decomposition of the Ricci Tensor [ PDF ]

Suleiman R.
The Dark Side Revealed: A Complete Relativity Theory Predicts the Content of the Universe [ PDF ]

Thayer G.D.
A New Model of Black Hole Formation [ PDF ]

Rothall D.P. and Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Gravitational Wave Detection and the Shnoll Effect [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Potentialities of Revised Quantum Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Suleiman R.
A Complete Relativity Theory Predicts with Precision the Neutrino Velocities [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Nanotechnology Quantum Detectors for Gravitational Waves: Adelaide to London Correlations Observed [ PDF ]

Ries A.
Atomic Weights Confirm Bipolar Model of Oscillations in a Chain System [ PDF ]

Hafele J.C.
Laboratory Instrument for Detecting the Earth's Time-Retarded Transverse Vector Potential [ PDF ]

Hafeez H.Y., Orou J.B.-C., and Ojo O.A.
Non-Linear Effects in Flow in Porous Duct [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Understanding the Dirac Equation and the Electron-Vacuum System [ PDF ]

Špringer J.
Geometric Distribution of Path and Fine Structure [ PDF ]

Scholkmann F.
A Prediction of an Additional Planet of the Extrasolar Planetary System Kepler-62 Based on the Planetary Distances' Long-Range Order [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Forty Lines of Evidence for Condensed Matter — The Sun on Trial: Liquid Metallic Hydrogen as a Solar Building Block [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
n-Valued Refined Neutrosophic Logic and Its Applications to Physics [ PDF ]

Špringer J.
Path Distribution Energy and Possible Consequences [ PDF ]


Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Deklaracija akademske svobode: Človekove pravice na znanstvenem področju (the Slovene translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
On Meta-Epistemic Determination of Quality and Reality in Scientific Creation [ PDF ]

Jensen R.
Simple Explanation for why Parallel-Propagating Photons do not Gravitationally Attract [ PDF ]

2013 (vol. 9), no. 3

Heymann Y.
On the Propagation of Light in an Expanding Universe [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
On the Luminosity Distance and the Hubble Constant [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N. and Taura L.S.
Electric Dipole Antenna: A Source of Gravitational Radiation [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem [ PDF ]

Manousos E.
The Cause of the Increased Luminosity Distances of Supernovae Recorded in the Cosmological Data [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Intrinsic Charges and the Strong Force [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Relations between Distorted and Original Angles in STR [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Electron-Vacuum Coupling Force in the Dirac Electron Theory and its Relation to the Zitterbewegung [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Geometrical Derivation of the Lepton PMNS Matrix Values [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Higgs-Like Particle due to Revised Quantum Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Key to the Mystery of Dark Energy: Corrected Relationship between Luminosity Distance and Redshift [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Okash M.D., Ghomiem M.H. and Muhammad W.A.
ΔI = 1 Signature Splitting in Signature Partners of Odd Mass Superdeformed Nuclei [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Hamdy H.S. and El Sawy M.M.
Nuclear Shape Transition Using Interacting Boson Model with the Intrinsic Coherent State [ PDF ]

Tsui K.H., Souza J.A. and Navia C.E.
The Self-Gravity Model of the Longitudinal Span of the Neptune Arc Fraternité [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Probabilistic Factors as a Possible Reason of the Stability of Planetary and Electronic Orbits [ PDF ]

Špringer J.
Double Surface and Atom Orbit [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Multi-Planet Exosystems All Obey Orbital Angular Momentum Quantization per Unit Mass predicted by Quantum Celestial Mechanics (QCM) [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
The Gravitational Field: A New Approach [ PDF ]

Shapovalov S.N.
The Role of Evection in Optical Measurements of Light Beam Deflection from the Sun's Disk (the Einstein Effect) [ PDF ]

Manousos E.
Mass and Charge Selfvariation: a Common Underlying Cause for Quantum Phenomena and Cosmological Data [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Uniform Dimension System. Is There the Necessity for Coulomb? [ PDF ]

Comay E.
Further Problems with Integral Spin Charged Particles [ PDF ]

Shapovalov S.N., Troshichev O.A., Povazhny V.I. and Moskvin I.V.
Studies of Pulsed Signals in High-precision Experiments (Antarctica) [ PDF ]

Prather B.
Is Space-Time Curved? [ PDF ]


Hafele J.C.
Comment on N. A. Kozyrev's "Possibility of Experimental Study of the Properties of Time" [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary Relative to the Emission Spectrum of the Solar Atmosphere: Further Evidence for a Distinct Solar Surface [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere I. Continuous Emission and Condensed Matter Within the Chromosphere [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere II. Continuous Emission and Condensed Matter Within the Corona [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere III. Importance of Continuous Emission Spectra from Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, Prominences, and Other Coronal Structures [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere IV. On the Nature of the Chromosphere [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere V. On the Nature of the Corona [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere VI. Helium in the Chromosphere [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere VII. Further Insights into the Chromosphere and Corona [ PDF ]

2013 (vol. 9), no. 2

Hafele J.C.
Causal Version of Newtonian Theory by Time–Retardation of the Gravitational Field Explains the Flyby Anomalies [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T. and Deane S.T.
Dynamical 3-Space Gravitational Waves: Reverberation Effects [ PDF ]

Millette P. A.
Derivation of Electromagnetism from the Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum [ PDF ]

Seshavatharam U.V.S. and Lakshminarayana S.
Peculiar Relations in Cosmology [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
Change of Measure between Light Travel Time and Euclidean Distances [ PDF ]

Diab S.M. and Eid S.A.
E(5) Characters to 100-Ru Isotope [ PDF ]

Kritov A.
A New Large Number Numerical Coincidences [ PDF ]

Wade S.
Proper Space Kinematics [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Liquid Metallic Hydrogen II. A Critical Assessment of Current and Primordial Helium Levels in the Sun [ PDF ]

Comay E.
New Constraints on Quantum Theories [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M. and Ismail A.M.
The Nuclear Shape Phase Transitions Studied within the Geometric Collective Model [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
Quantum Uncertainty and Fundamental Interactions [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
Strain Energy Density in the Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum and the Electromagnetic Field [ PDF ]

Robitaille J.C. and Robitaille P.-M.
Liquid Metallic Hydrogen III. Intercalation and Lattice Exclusion Versus Gravitational Settling and Their Consequences Relative to Internal Structure, Surface Activity, and Solar Winds in the Sun [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M. and Ismail A.M.
Structure Shape Evolution in Lanthanide and Actinide Nuclei [ PDF ]

Špringer J.
Double Surface and Fine Structure [ PDF ]


Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary Relative to the Distribution of Gamma-Ray Flares on the Sun: Further Evidence for a Distinct Solar Surface [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary Relative to the Seismic Structure of the Sun: Internal Rotation, Oblateness, and Solar Shape [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary on the Radius of the Sun: Optical Illusion or Manifestation of a Real Surface? [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary on the Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun: Insight Relative to Coronal Holes, Sunspots, and Solar Activity [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary on the Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun II. Insight Relative to Coronal Rain and Splashdown Events [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Commentary on the Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun III. Insight into Solar Lithium Abundances [ PDF ]

2013 (vol. 9), no. 1

Tank H.K.
Some Expressions for Gravity without the Big G and their Possible Wave-Theoretical-Explanation [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M. and Awwad T.M.
A Theoretical Description of U(5)-SU(3) Nuclear Shape Transitions in the Interacting Boson Model [ PDF ]

Špringer J.
Fine Structure Constant as a Mirror of Sphere Geometry [ PDF ]

Baugher J.P.
The Poisson Equation, the Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Magnetic Fields and Directional Spectral Emissivity in Sunspots and Faculae: Complimentary Evidence of Metallic Behavior on the Surface of the Sun [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Evolution of Stellar Objects According to J. Wheeler's Geometrodynamic Concept [ PDF ]

Graves N.
Sampling the Hydrogen Atom [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
The Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum as a Framework for Strained Spacetime [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Oblique-Length Contraction Factor in the Special Theory of Relativity [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
Caducity of Idea about Wave Function Collapse as well New Views on Schrödinger's Cat and Quantum Measurements [ PDF ]

Zhang B.J., Zhang T.X., Guggilia P. and Dohkanian M.
Gravitational Field Shielding by Scalar Field and Type II Superconductors [ PDF ]

2012 (vol. 8), no. 4

Potter F.
Pluto Moons exhibit Orbital Angular Momentum Quantization per Mass [ PDF ]

Millette P.A.
On the Decomposition of the Spacetime Metric Tensor and of Tensor Fields in Strained Spacetime [ PDF ]

Comay E.
Quantum Constraints on a Charged Particle Structure [ PDF ]

Drezet A.
Should the Wave-Function be a Part of the Quantum Ontological State? [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N. and Lumbi L.W.
Relativistic Dynamics in the Vicinity of a Uniformly Charged Sphere [ PDF ]

Ries A.
A Bipolar Model of Oscillations in a Chain System for Elementary Particle Masses [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Galaxy S-Stars Exhibit Orbital Angular Momentum Quantization per Unit Mass [ PDF ]

Lebed A.G.
Does the Equivalence between Gravitational Mass and Energy Survive for a Quantum Body? [ PDF ]

Tank H.K.
Genesis of the "Critical-Acceleration of MOND" and Its Role in "Formation of Structures" [ PDF ]

Khalaf A.M., Taha M.M. and Kotb M.
Identical Bands and ΔI=2 Staggering in Superdeformed Nuclei in A~150 Mass Region Using Three Parameters Rotational Model [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Emergence of Particle Masses in Fractal Scaling Models of Matter [ PDF ]

Panchelyuga V.A. and Panchelyuga M.S.
Resonance and Fractals on the Real Numbers Set [ PDF ]


Khazan A.
Atomic Masses of the Synthesed Elements (No.104-118) being Compared to Albert Khazan's Data [ PDF ]

2012 (vol. 8), no. 3

Cahill R.T.
Characterisation of Low Frequency Gravitational Waves from Dual RF Coaxial-Cable Detector: Fractal Textured Dynamical 3-Space [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E., Astashev M., Rubinshtein I.A., Kolombet V.A., Shapovalov S.N., Bokalenko B.I., Andreeva A.A., Kharakoz D.P., Melnikov I.A.
Synchronous Measurements of Alpha-Decay of 239-Pu Carried out at North Pole, Antarctic, and in Puschino Confirm that the Shapes of the Respective Histograms Depend on the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth and on the Direction of the Alpha-Particle Beam [ PDF ]

Rubinshtein I.A., Shnoll S.E., Kaminsky A.V., Kolombet V.A., Astashev M., Shapovalov S.N., Bokalenko B.I., Andreeva A.A., Kharakoz D.P.
Dependence of Changes of Histogram Shapes from Time and Space Direction is the Same when Fluctuation Intensities of Both Light-Diode Light Flow and 239-Pu Alpha-Activity are Measured [ PDF ]

Gruzdev V.A.
Algorithmization of Histogram Comparing Process. Calculation of Correlations after Deduction of Normal Distribution Curves [ PDF ]

Ries A.
The Radial Electron Density in the Hydrogen Atom and the Model of Oscillations in a Chain System [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Gravitational Acceleration and the Curvature Distortion of Spacetime [ PDF ]

Tank H.K.
Cumulative-Phase-Alteration of Galactic-Light Passing Through the Cosmic-Microwave-Background: A New Mechanism for Some Observed Spectral-Shifts [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
One-Way Speed of Light Measurements without Clock Synchronisation [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Additional Proofs to the Necessity of Element No.155, in the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Zhang T.
Quasar Formation and Energy Emission in Black Hole Universe [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Generalizations of the Distance and Dependent Function in Extenics to 2D, 3D, and n−D [ PDF ]


Dumitru S.
Routes of Quantum Mechanics Theories [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
A Final Note on the Nature of the Kinemetric Unification of Physical Fields and Interactions [ PDF ]

2012 (vol. 8), no. 2

Chifu E.N.
Relativistic Dynamical Theory for Test Particles and Photons in Static Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Fields [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
The Turning Point for the Recent Acceleration of the Universe with a Cosmological Constant [ PDF ]

Ajaib M.A.
Anisotropic to Isotropic Phase Transitions in the Early Universe [ PDF ]

Assis A.V.D.B.
Local Doppler Effect, Index of Refraction through the Earth Crust, PDF and the CNGS Neutrino Anomaly? [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
A Way to Revised Quantum Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Parameterized Special Theory of Relativity (PSTR) [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
The Surjective Monad Theory of Reality: A Qualified Generalization of Reflexive Monism [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Macro-Analogies and Gravitation in the Micro-World: Further Elaboration of Wheeler's Model of Geometrodynamics [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
Quantum Uncertainty and Relativity [ PDF ]

Carroll R.
On a Fractional Quantum Potential [ PDF ]

Ekuma C.E. and Chukwuocha E.O.
A Model Third Order Phase Transition in Fe-Pnictide Superconductors [ PDF ]


Rabounski D.
On the Exact Solution Explaining the Accelerate Expanding Universe According to General Relativity [ PDF ]

Kowalski L.
Social Aspects of Cold Fusion: 23 Years Later [ PDF ]

2012 (vol. 8), no. 1

Schönfeld E. and Wilde P.
A New Theoretical Derivation of the Fine Structure Constant [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
Redshift Adjustment to the Distance Modulus [ PDF ]

Assis A.V.D.B.
A Comment on arXiv: 1110.2685 [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
Spooky Action at a Distance or Action at a Spooky Distance? [ PDF ]

Carroll R.
Thermodynamics and Scale Relativity [ PDF ]

Barbu C.
Van Aubel's Theorem in the Einstein Relativistic Velocity Model of Hyperbolic Geometry [ PDF ]

Kowalski L.
Rossi's Reactors — Reality or Fiction? [ PDF ]

Abdelrazek A.S., Zein W.A. and Phillips A.H.
Photon-Assisted Spectroscopy of Dirac Electrons in Graphene [ PDF ]

Asham M.D., Zein W.A. and Phillips A.H.
Coherent Spin Polarization in an AC-Driven Mesoscopic Device [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
The Upper Limit of the Periodic Table of Elements Points out to the "Long" Version of the Table, Instead of the "Short" One [ PDF ]

Potter F. and Preston H.G.
Kepler-16 Circumbinary System Validates Quantum Celestial Mechanics [ PDF ]

Eid S.A. and Diab S.M.
Nuclear Structure of 122-134 Xe Isotopes [ PDF ]

Comay E.
The Crucial Role of Multi-Configuration States of Bound Fermions [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T. and Rothall D.
Discovery of Uniformly Expanding Universe [ PDF ]


Suhendro I.
On the Epistemological Nature of Genius and Individual Scientific Creation [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
From the Chloride of Tungsten to the Upper Limit of the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Superluminal Physics and Instantaneous Physics as New Trends in Research [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
A More Elegant Argument that P≠NP [ PDF ]

2011 (vol. 7), no. 4

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Ultracold Fermi and Bose gases and Spinless Bose Charged Sound Particles [ PDF ]

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Superfluidity Component of Solid 4He and Sound Particles with Spin 1 [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.
Fermion-Antifermion Asymmetry [ PDF ]

Tank H.K.
An Insight into Planck's Units: Explaining the Experimental-Observations of Lack of Quantum Structure of Space-Time [ PDF ]

Ries A. and Fook M.V.L.
Excited Electronic States of Atoms described by the Model of Oscillations in a Chain System [ PDF ]

Ogiba F.
Phenomenological Derivation of the Schrödinger Equation [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
An Analysis of States in the Phase Space: the Anharmonic Oscillator [ PDF ]

Weller D.L.
Gravity and the Conservation of Energy [ PDF ]

Assis A.V.D.B.
A Note on the Quantization Mechanism within the Cold Big Bang Cosmology [ PDF ]

Assis A.V.D.B.
Comments on the Statistical Nature and on the Irreversibility of the Wave Function Collapse [ PDF ]

Potter F.
Our Mathematical Universe: I. How the Monster Group Dictates All of Physics [ PDF ]

Comay E.
Spin, Isospin and Strong Interaction Dynamics [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N.
Einstein's Planetary Equation: An Analytical Solution [ PDF ]

Heymann Y.
Building Galactic Density Profiles [ PDF ]

Tosto S.
An Analysis of States in the Phase Space: Uncertainty, Entropy and Diffusion [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T. and Kerrigan D.J.
Dynamical Space: Supermassive Galactic Black Holes and Cosmic Filaments [ PDF ]

Wilde P.
A Generalized Displacement Problem in Elasticity [ PDF ]

Assis A.V.D.B.
On the Neutrino Opera in the CNGS Beam [ PDF ]


Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaração de Liberdade Acadêmica: Direitos Humanos Científicos (the Portuguese translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
The Arabic translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom [ PDF ]

Pătraşcu I.
Scientists Deduced the Existence of Particles with Faster-than-Light Speeds Recently Discovered by CERN [ PDF ]

2011 (vol. 7), no. 3

Special Issue:  "The Sun — Gaseous or Liquid? A Thermodynamic Analysis"

Robitaille P.-M.
A Thermodynamic History of the Solar Constitution — I:  The Journey to a Gaseous Sun [ PDF ]

Secchi A.
On the Theory of Sunspots Proposed by Signor Kirchoff [ PDF ]

Secchi A.
On the Structure of the Solar Photosphere [ PDF ]

Magnus H.G.
A Note on the Constitution of the Sun [ PDF ]

Faye H.
On the Physical Constitution of the Sun — Part I [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
A Thermodynamic History of the Solar Constitution — II:  The Theory of a Gaseous Sun and Jeans' Failed Liquid Alternative [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Liquid Metallic Hydrogen: A Building Block for the Liquid Sun [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Presence of a Distinct Solar Surface: A Reply to Hervé Faye [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On Solar Granulations, Limb Darkening, and Sunspots: Brief Insights in Remembrance of Father Angelo Secchi [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Temperature of the Photosphere: Energy Partition in the Sun [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Stellar Opacity: The Achilles' Heel of the Gaseous Sun [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Lessons from the Sun [ PDF ]


Rabounski D.
Pierre-Marie Luc Robitaille [ PDF ]

2011 (vol. 7), no. 2

Daywitt W.C.
The Lorentz Transformation as a Planck Vacuum Phenomenon in a Galilean Coordinate System [ PDF ]

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Charged Polaritons with Spin 1 [ PDF ]

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
New Fundamental Light Particle and Breakdown of Stefan-Boltzmann's Law [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
The Point Mass Concept [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Quark Annihilation and Lepton Formation versus Pair Production and Neutrino Oscillation: The Fourth Generation of Leptons [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
On the Independent Determination of the Ultimate Density of Physical Vacuum [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
An Elegant Argument that P≠NP [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Compton Radius, the de Broglie Radius, the Planck Constant, and the Bohr Orbits [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E., Rubinstein I.A., Shapovalov S.N., Kolombet V.A., Kharakoz D.P.
Histograms Constructed from the Data of 239-Pu Alpha-Activity Manifest a Tendency for Change in the Similar Way as at the Moments when the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury Intersect the Celestial Equator [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Electron Configuration, and Element No.155 of the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Cosmic Filaments, Sheets and Voids [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N.
Black Holes in the Framework of the Metric Tensor Exterior to the Sun and Planets [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Isotopes and the Electron Configuration of the Blocks in the Periodic Table of Elements, upto the Last Element No.155 [ PDF ]

Assis A.V.D.B.
On the Cold Big Bang Cosmology [ PDF ]


Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Arthur Marshall Stoneham (1940-2011) [ PDF ]

2011 (vol. 7), no. 1

Adekugbe A.O.J.
Re-Identification of the Many-World Background of Special Relativity as Four-World Background. Part I [ PDF ]

Adekugbe A.O.J.
Re-Identification of the Many-World Background of Special Relativity as Four-World Background. Part II [ PDF ]

Benish R.J.
Missing Measurements of Weak-Field Gravity [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T. and Brotherton D.
Experimental Investigation of the Fresnel Drag Effect in RF Coaxial Cables [ PDF ]

May R.D. and Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space Gravity Theory: Effects on Polytropic Solar Models [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Particles and Antiparticles in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Drezet A.
Wave Particle Duality and the Afshar Experiment [ PDF ]

Zein W.A., Ibrahim N.A. and Phillips A.H.
Noise and Fano-Factor Control in AC-Driven Aharonov-Casher Ring [ PDF ]

Barbu C.
Smarandache Minimum Theorem in the Einstein Relativistic Velocity Model of Hyperbolic Geometry [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
S-Denying a Theory [ PDF ]

Comay E.
On the Quantum Mechanical State of the Δ++ Baryon [ PDF ]

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Sound-Particles and Phonons with Spin 1 [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Applying Adjacent Hyperbolas to Calculation of the Upper Limit of the Periodic Table of Elements, with Use of Rhodium [ PDF ]

Weller D.L.
How Black Holes Violate the Conservation of Energy [ PDF ]

Weller D.L.
Five Fallacies Used to Link Black Holes to Einstein's Relativistic Space-Time [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.
Lee Smolin Five Great Problems and Their Solution without Ontological Hypotheses [ PDF ]

Messina J.F.
On the Failure of Particle Dark Matter Experiments to Yield Positive Results [ PDF ]

Ries A. and Fook M.V.L.
Application of the Model of Oscillations in a Chain System to the Solar System [ PDF ]

Mina A.N. and Phillips A.H.
Photon-Assisted Resonant Chiral Tunneling Through a Bilayer Graphene Barrier [ PDF ]

2010 (vol. 6), no. 4

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Formation of Singlet Fermion Pairs in the Dilute Gas of Boson-Fermion Mixture [ PDF ]

Minasyan V. and Samoilov V.
Dispersion of Own Frequency of Ion-Dipole by Supersonic Transverse Wave in Solid [ PDF ]

Comay E.
Predictions of High Energy Experimental Results [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Neutrosophic Diagram and Classes of Neutrosophic Paradoxes or to the Outer-Limits of Science [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Five Paradoxes and a General Question on Time Traveling [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
Do the Uncertainty Relations Really have Crucial Significances for Physics? [ PDF ]

Bruchholz U.E.
Lunar Laser Ranging Test of the Invariance of c: a Correction [ PDF ]

Wagener P.C.
Demonstrating Gravitational Repulsion [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Relativity Principle: Space and Time and the Planck Vacuum [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Finding the Fine Structure of the Solutions of Complicate Logical Probabilistic Problems by the Frequent Distributions [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
On the Necessity of Using Element No.155 in the Chemical Physical Calculations: Again on the Upper Limit in the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Jensen R.
An Experimental Proposal for Demonstration of Macroscopic Quantum Effects [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N., Usman A. and Meludu O.C.
Gravitational Spectral Shift Exterior to the Sun, Earth and other Oblate Spheroidal Planets [ PDF ]

Mina A.N., Awadalla A.A., Phillips A.H. and Ahmed R.A.
Microwave Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
On the Geometry of the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
On the Source of the Systematic Errors in the Quatum Mechanical Calculation of the Superheavy Elements [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Dirac Electron in the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Stavroulakis N.
On the Field of a Spherical Charged Pulsating Distribution of Matter [ PDF ]

Zein W.A., Ibrahim N.A. and Phillips A.H.
Spin-Dependent Transport through Aharonov-Casher Ring Irradiated by an Electromagnetic Field [ PDF ]

Ries A. and Fook M.V.L.
Fractal Structure of Nature's Preferred Masses: Application of the Model of Oscillations in a Chain System [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Charge of the Electron, and the Constants of Radiation According to J. A. Wheeler's Geometrodynamic Model [ PDF ]


Rabounski D.
Scientific Community of Valentin N. Samoilov (On the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Anniversary) [ PDF ]

Roussos I.M.
Nikias Stavroulakis (1921-2009). In Memoriam [ PDF ]

2010 (vol. 6), no. 3

Robitaille P.-M.
Calibration of Microwave Reference Blackbodies and Targets for Use in Satellite Observations: An Analysis of Errors in Theoretical Outlooks and Testing Procedures [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Planck Satellite LFI and the Microwave Background: Importance of the 4 K Reference Targets [ PDF ]

Al Rabeh R.
A Numerical Experiment with the Double Slit Geometry [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Some Unsolved Problems, Questions, and Applications of the Brightsen Nucleon Cluster Model [ PDF ]

Kaminsky A.V. and Shnoll S.E.
Cosmophysical Factors in the Fluctuation Amplitude Spectrum of Brownian Motion [ PDF ]

Seshavatharam U.V.S. and Lakshminarayana S.
Strong Nuclear Gravitational Constant and the Origin of Nuclear Planck Scale [ PDF ]

Mao L.
Relativity in Combinatorial Gravitational Fields [ PDF ]

Hansson J.
The "Proton Spin Crisis" — a Quantum Query [ PDF ]

Belyakov A.V.
Is the Field of Numbers a Real Physical Field? On the Frequent Distribution and Masses of the Elementary Patricles [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Fractal Scaling Models of Natural Oscillations in Chain Systems and the Mass Distribution of Particles [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
A Study of the Schrödinger-Langevin Equation with PT-Symmetric Periodic Potential, and Its Application to Deuteron Cluster [ PDF ]

Barbu C.
Smarandache's Cevian Triangle Theorem in The Einstein Relativistic Velocity Model of Hyperbolic Geometry [ PDF ]

2010 (vol. 6), no. 2

Minasyan V.N. and Samoilov V.N.
Two New Type Surface Polaritons Excited into Nanoholes in Metal Films [ PDF ]

Seshavatharam U.V.S.
Physics of Rotating and Expanding Black Hole Universe [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Radiation Reaction of a Point Electron as a Planck Vacuum Response Phenomenon [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
A Massless-Point-Charge Model for the Electron [ PDF ]

Stone R.A., Jr.
Quark Confinement and Force Unification [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
A Derivation of Maxwell Equations in Quaternion Space [ PDF ]

Chrisitianto V. and Smarandache F.
On Some Novel Ideas in Hadron Physics. Part II [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Lunar Laser-Ranging Detection of Light-Speed Anisotropy and Gravitational Waves [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Fundamental Elements and Interactions of Nature: A Classical Unification Theory [ PDF ]

Borissova L.
The Solar System According to General Relativity: The Sun's Space Breaking Meets the Asteroid Strip [ PDF ]

Marquet P.
The Matter-Antimatter Concept Revisited [ PDF ]

Harney M. and Haranas I.I.
A Derivation of π(n) Based on a Stability Analysis of the Riemann-Zeta Function [ PDF ]

Comay E.
On the Significance of the Upcoming Large Hadron Collider Proton-Proton Cross Section Data [ PDF ]

Minasyan V.N. and Samoilov V.N.
The Intensity of the Light Diffraction by Supersonic Longitudinal Waves in Solid [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.
Oscillations of the Chromatic States and Accelerated Expansion of the Universe [ PDF ]


Rabounski D.
Smarandache Spaces as a New Extension of the Basic Space-Time of General Relativity [ PDF ]

2010 (vol. 6), no. 1

Crothers S.J.
The Kruskal-Szekeres "Extension": Counter-Examples [ PDF ]

Stone R.A., Jr.
Is Fundamental Particle Mass 4π Quantized? [ PDF ]

Wagener P.
From Inspired Guess to Physical Theory: Finding a Theory of Gravitation [ PDF ]

Wagener P.
Resolving Inconsistencies in de Broglie's Relation [ PDF ]

Al Rabeh R.
Solving Many Point Particle Interactions Using the Kepler Route [ PDF ]

Nudel'man A.S.
On a Formalization of Cantor Set Theory for Natural Models of the Physical Phenomena [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E., Rubinstein I.A., Vedenkin N.N.
"The Arrow of Time" in the Experiments in which Alpha-Activity was Measured Using Collimators Directed at East and West [ PDF ]

Adekugbe A.O.J.
Two-World Background of Special Relativity. Part I [ PDF ]

Adekugbe A.O.J.
Two-World Background of Special Relativity. Part II [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Fractal Scaling Models of Natural Oscillations in Chain Systems and the Mass Distribution of the Celestial Bodies in the Solar System [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space Predicts Hotter Early Universe: Resolves CMB-BBN 7-Li and 4-He Abundance Anomalies [ PDF ]

Jones J.K., Muratori B.D., Smith S.L. and Tzenov S.I.
Dynamics of Particles in Non Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
On Some New Ideas in Hadron Physics [ PDF ]


Sharples J.J.
Coordinate Transformations and Metric Extension: a Rebuttal to the Relativistic Claims of Stephen J. Crothers [ PDF ]

Bruchholz U.
On Crothers' Assessment of the Kruskal-Szekeres "Extension" [ PDF ]

Stone R.A., Jr.
An Einstein-Cartan Fine Structure Constant Definition [ PDF ]

Panchelyuga V.A.
Valery N. Smirnov (1939-2009) and His Detector [ PDF ]


Daywitt W.C.
A New Paradigm: from Quantum Fields to the Planck Vacuum [ PDF ]

Al Rabeh R.
New Ideas for the Extra Dimensions and for Deriving the Basic Laws of Physics [ PDF ]

Michelini M.
Major Gravitational Phenomena Explained by the Micro-Quanta Paradigm [ PDF ]

2009 (vol. 5), no. 4

Robitaille P.-M.
Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Emission: 150 Years [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Blackbody Radiation and the Loss of Universality: Implications for Planck's Formulation and Boltzman's Constant [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
COBE: A Radiological Analysis [ PDF ]

Vezzoli G.C.
Active Galactic Nuclei: the Shape of Material Around Black Holes and the Witch of Agnesi Function. Asymmetry of Neutrino Particle Density [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Combining NASA/JPL One-Way Optical-Fiber Light-Speed Data with Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Doppler-Shift Data to Characterise 3-Space Flow [ PDF ]

Bruchholz U.E.
Geometry of Space-Time [ PDF ]

Bruchholz U.E.
Derivation of Planck's Constant from Maxwell's Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Shapovalov S.N., Rubinstein I.A., Troshichev O.A. and Shnoll S.E.
Changes in the Shape of Histograms Constructed from the Results of 239-Pu Alpha-Activity Measurements Correlate with the Deviations of the Moon from the Keplerian Orbit [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N.
Astrophysically Satisfactory Solutions to Einstein's R-33 Gravitational Field Equations Exterior/Interior to Static Homogeneous Oblate Spheroidal Masses [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
A New Finslerian Unified Field Theory of Physical Interactions [ PDF ]

Comay E.
Physical Consequences of Mathematical Principles [ PDF ]

2009 (vol. 5), no. 3

Zhang T.X.
A New Cosmological Model: Black Hole Universe [ PDF ]

Abdallah I.A.
Maxwell-Cattaneo Heat Convection and Thermal Stresses Responses of a Semi-Infinite Medium to High-Speed Laser Heating due to High Speed Laser Heating [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N., Howusu S.X.K. and Lumbi L.W.
Relativistic Mechanics in Gravitational Fields Exterior to Rotating Homogeneous Mass Distributions within Spherical Geometry [ PDF ]

Wagener P.
Experimental Confirmation of a Classical Model of Gravitation [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Limits to the Validity of the Einstein Field Equations and General Relativity from the Viewpoint of the Negative-Energy Planck Vacuum State [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Planck Vacuum and the Schwarzschild Metrics [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.A.
Higgsless Glashow's and Quark-Gluon Theories and Gravity without Superstrings [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
A Heuristic Model for the Active Galactic Nucleus Based on the Planck Vacuum Theory [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N. and Howusu S.X.K.
Solution of Einstein's Geometrical Gravitational Field Equations Exterior to Astrophysically Real or Hypothetical Time Varying Distributions of Mass within Regions of Spherical Geometry [ PDF ]

Chifu E.N., Usman A. and Meludu O.C.
Orbits in Homogenous Oblate Spheroidal Gravitational Space-Time [ PDF ]

Al Rabeh R.H.
Primes, Geometry and Condensed Matter [ PDF ]

Abdallah I.A.
Dual Phase Lag Heat Conduction and Thermoelastic Properties of a Semi-Infinite Medium Induced by Ultrashort Pulsed Laser [ PDF ]

Michelini M.
The Missing Measurements of the Gravitational Constant [ PDF ]


Khazan A.
Additional Explanations to "Upper Limit in Mendeleev's Periodic Table — Element No.155". A Story How the Problem was Resolved [ PDF ]

Dadaev A.N.
Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983) — Discoverer of Lunar Volcanism (On the 100th anniversary of His Birth) [ PDF ]

2009 (vol. 5), no. 2

Daywitt W.C.
The Neutrino: Evidence of a Negative-Energy Vacuum State [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
Black Holes and Quantum Gravity from a Planck Vacuum Perspective [ PDF ]

Arbab A.I. and Satti Z.A.
On the Generalized Maxwell Equations and Their Prediction of Electroscalar Wave [ PDF ]

Arbab A.I.
On the New Gauge Transformations of Maxwell's Equations [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Introducing the Table of the Elements of Anti-Substance, and the Theoretical Grounds to It [ PDF ]

Carroll R.
Aspects of Stability and Quantum Mechanics [ PDF ]

Vasiliev S.A.
On the Physical Model of the Phenomena Registered in the Experiments by Shnoll's Group and Smirnov's Group [ PDF ]

Vezzoli G.C.
Beta Decay and Quark-Antiquark Non-Parity in Collision-Induced Gravity [ PDF ]

Haranas I.I. and Harney M.
The Mass of the Universe and Other Relations in the Idea of a Possible Cosmic Quantum Mechanics [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
A Planck Vacuum Cosmology [ PDF ]

Eckardt H.
An Alternative Hypothesis for Special Relativity [ PDF ]

Stavroulakis N.
On the Field of a Stationary Charged Spherical Source [ PDF ]

Müller H.
Fractal Scaling Models of Resonant Oscillations in Chain Systems of Harmonic Oscillators [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
On Dark Energy and Matter of the Expanding Universe [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E. and Rubinstein I.A.
Regular Changes in the Fine Structure of Histograms Revealed in the Experiments with Collimators which Isolate Beams of Alpha-Particles Flying at Certain Directions [ PDF ]

Quznetsov G.A.
4X1-Marix Functions and Dirac's Equation [ PDF ]

Bruchholz U.E.
Key Notes on a Geometric Theory of Fields [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Numerical Solution of Quantum Cosmological Model Simulating Boson and Fermion Creation [ PDF ]


Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
On the Earthly Origin of the Penzias-Wilson Microwave Background [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Water, Hydrogen Bonding and the Microwave Background [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Global Warming and the Microwave Background [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
On the Upper Limit (Heaviest Element) in the Periodic Table of Elements, and the Periodic Table of Anti-Substance [ PDF ]

Malykin G.B.
Corrections to the Biography of Frank Robert Tangherlini, Published in Progress in Physics, Vol. 1, 2009 [ PDF ]

2009 (vol. 5), no. 1

Shnoll S.E.
The "Scattering of the Results of Measurements" of Processes of Diverse Nature is Determined by the Earth's Motion in the Inhomogeneous Space-Time Continuum. The Effect of "Half-Year Palindromes" [ PDF ]

Arbab A.I.
The Length of the Day: A Cosmological Perspective [ PDF ]

Gift S.
A Quantum Theory of Magnetism [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Planck Vacuum [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Source of the Quantum Vacuum [ PDF ]

Wagener P.
A Unified Theory of Interaction: Gravitation, Electrodynamics and the Strong Force [ PDF ]

Paasch K.
The Logarithmic Potential and an Exponential Mass Function for Elementary Particles [ PDF ]

Christianto V., Smarandache F. and Lichtenberg F.
A Note of Extended Proca Equations and Superconductivity [ PDF ]

Diab S.M.
Phase Transitions in Even-Even Palladium Isotopes [ PDF ]

Daywitt W.C.
The Apparent Lack of Lorentz Invariance in Zero-Point Fields with Truncated Spectra [ PDF ]

Arbab A.I.
On the Tidal Evolution of the Earth-Moon System: A Cosmological Model [ PDF ]

Celakoska E.G. and Trenčevski K.
Parameters for Viability Check on Gravitational Theories Regarding the Experimental Data [ PDF ]

Casuso Romate E. and Beckman J. E.
An Asymptotic Solution for the Navier-Stokes Equation [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
On PT-Symmetric Periodic Potential, Quark Confinement, and Other Impossible Pursuits [ PDF ]


Rabounski D.
An Explanation of Hubble Redshift due to the Global Non-Holonomity of Space [ PDF ]

Christianto V., Pitkanen M. and Smarandache F.
A Few Remarks on "The Length of the Day: A Cosmological Perspective" [ PDF ]

Malykin G.B.
Israel L. Bershtein (1908-2000) — the Founder of the Theory of Fluctuations in Self-Oscillating Systems (In Commemorating the 100th Birthday Anniversary) [ PDF ]

Malykin G.B.
Frank Robert Tangherlini — the Founder of an Alternative Relativistic Kinematics (On the Occasion of His 85th Birthday) [ PDF ]

2008 (vol. 4), no. 4

Wagener P.
A Unified Theory of Interaction: Gravitation and Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Goldfain E. and Smarandache F.
On Emergent Physics, "Unparticles" and Exotic "Unmatter" States [ PDF ]

Harney M. and Haranas I.I.
The Dark Energy Problem [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Unravelling Lorentz Covariance and the Spacetime Formalism [ PDF ]

Xiao-Song Wang
Derivation of the Newton's Law of Gravitation Based on a Fluid Mechanical Singularity Model of Particles [ PDF ]

Garas'ko G.I.
A Method of Successive Approximations in the Framework of the Geometrized Lagrange Formalism [ PDF ]

Huy Khanh Hoang
Instant Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics [ PDF ]

Abdallah I.A., Hassan A.F. and Tayel I.M.
Thermoelastic Property of a Semi-Infinite Medium Induced by a Homogeneously Illuminating Laser Radiation [ PDF ]

Diab S.M. and Eid S.A.
Nature of the Excited States of the Even-Even 98-108 Ru Isotopes [ PDF ]

2008 (vol. 4), no. 3

Haranas I.I. and Harney M.
The Relativistic Corrections to the Gravitational Potential using a Sagnac Interferometer [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Resolving Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Anomalies with Measured Light Speed Anisotropy [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
The Neutrosophic Logic View to Schrödinger's Cat Paradox, Revisited [ PDF ]

Wagener P.
A Classical Model of Gravitation [ PDF ]

Ungar A.A.
On the Origin of the Dark Matter/Energy in the Universe and the Pioneer Anomaly [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
A Critical Analysis of Universality and Kirchhoff's Law: A Return to Stewart's Law of Thermal Emission [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Blackbody Radiation and the Carbon Particle [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
The Rôle of the Element Rhodium in the Hyperbolic Law of the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
What Gravity Is. Some Recent Considerations [ PDF ]

Neumann U.K.W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part III: What is the Nature of the Gravitational Field? [ PDF ]

Neumann U.K.W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part IV: How Much do We Know of This Universe? [ PDF ]

Sharma A.
The Generalized Conversion Factor in Einstein's Mass-Energy Equation [ PDF ]

Isaeva E.A.
On the Necessity of Aprioristic Thinking in Physics [ PDF ]

Diab S.M. and Eid S.A.
Potential Energy Surfaces of the Even-Even 230-238 U Isotopes [ PDF ]


Goldfain E.
A Brief Note on "Un-Particle" Physics [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
International Injustice in Science [ PDF ]

2008 (vol. 4), no. 2

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
PLANCK, the Satellite: a New Experimental Test of General Relativity [ PDF ]

Sze Kui Ng
New Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
Reconsideration of the Uncertainty Relations and Quantum Measurements [ PDF ]

Karimov A.R.
A Model of Discrete-Continuum Time for a Simple Physical System [ PDF ]

Neumann U.K.W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part I: What is a Quark? [ PDF ]

Neumann U.K.W.
Models for Quarks and Elementary Particles. Part II: What is Mass? [ PDF ]

Zhang T.X.
Electric Charge as a Form of Imaginary Energy [ PDF ]

Dubrovskiy V.A.
An "Earth-Planet" or "Earth-Star" Couplet as a Gravitational Wave Antenna, wherein the Indicators are Microseismic Peaks in the Earth [ PDF ]

Carroll R.
Remarks on Conformal Mass and Quantum Mass [ PDF ]

Stavroulakis N.
Gravitation and Electricity [ PDF ]

Diab S.M.
Low-Lying Collective Levels in 224-234 Th Nuclei [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T. and Stokes F.
Correlated Detection of sub-mHz Gravitational Waves by Two Optical-Fiber Interferometers [ PDF ]

Wang X.-S.
Derivation of Maxwell's Equations Based on a Continuum Mechanical Model of Vacuum and a Singularity Model of Electric Charges [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
On the Geometry of Background Currents in General Relativity [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
The Asymptotic Approach to the Twin Paradox [ PDF ]

Smirnov V.N., Egorov N.V. and Schedrin I.S.
A New Detector for Perturbations in Gravitational Field [ PDF ]

Mora C. and Sánchez R.
Third Quantization in Bergmann-Wagoner Theory [ PDF ]

Bayak I.
Gravity Model for Topological Features on a Cylindrical Manifold [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Kaluza-Klein-Carmeli Metric from Quaternion-Clifford Space, Lorentz' Force, and Some Observables [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E., Panchelyuga V.A. and Shnoll A.E.
The Palindrome Effect [ PDF ]

Panchelyuga V.A. and Shnoll S.E.
On the Second-Order Splitting of the Local-Time Peak [ PDF ]


Vezzoli G.C.
On the Explanation of the Physical Cause of the Shnoll Characteristic Histograms and Observed Fluctuations [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E.
Reply to the Letter by Gary C. Vezzoli [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Earth Microwave Background (EMB), Atmospheric Scattering and the Generation of Isotropy [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Reply to the "Certain Conceptual Anomalies in Einstein's Theory of Relativity" and Related Questions [ PDF ]

Isaeva E.A.
Rational Thinking and Reasonable Thinking in Physics [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
A Blind Pilot: Who is a Super-Luminal Observer? [ PDF ]

2008 (vol. 4), no. 1

Harney M.
The Stability of Electron Orbital Shells based on a Model of the Riemann-Zeta Function [ PDF ]

Keilman Y.
In-Depth Development of Classical Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
A Model of Electron-Positron Pair Formation [ PDF ]

Carroll R.
Ricci Flow and Quantum Theory [ PDF ]

Dumitru S.
A Possible General Approach Regarding the Conformability of Angular Observables with the Mathematical Rules of Quantum Mechanics [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
A Unified Field Theory of Gravity, Electromagnetism, and the Yang-Mills Gauge Field [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
An Exact Mapping from Navier-Stokes Equation to Schördinger Equation via Riccati Equation [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Numerical Solution of Radial Biquaternion Klein-Gordon Equation [ PDF ]

Zein W.A., Phillips A.H. and Omar O.A.
Spin Transport in Mesoscopic Superconducting-Ferromagnetic Hybrid Conductor [ PDF ]

Isaeva E.A.
Human Perception of Physical Experiments and the Simplex Interpretation of Quantum Physics [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On Certain Conceptual Anomalies in Einstein's Theory of Relativity [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
On a Geometric Theory of Generalized Chiral Elasticity with Discontinuities [ PDF ]

Haranas I.I. and Harney M.
Geodetic Precession of the Spin in a Non-Singular Gravitational Potential [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache V.
A Note on Computer Solution of Wireless Energy Transmit via Magnetic Resonance [ PDF ]

Diab S.M.
The Structure of Even-Even 218-230 Ra Isotopes within the Interacting Boson Approximation Model [ PDF ]

Apostol M.
Covariance, Curved Space, Motion and Quantization [ PDF ]


Apostol M.
Where is the Science? [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
On the Current Situation Concerning the Black Hole Problem [ PDF ]

2007 (vol. 3), no. 4

Stavroulakis N.
On the Gravitational Field of a Pulsating Source [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Supernovae and the Hubble Expansion — the Older Universe without Dark Energy [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Dynamical 3-Space: Alternative Explanation of the "Dark Matter Ring" [ PDF ]

Zein W.A., Phillips A.H. and Omar O.A.
Quantum Spin Transport in Mesoscopic Interferometer [ PDF ]

Carroll R.
Some Remarks on Ricci Flow and the Quantum Potential [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Little Heat Engine: Heat Transfer in Solids, Liquids and Gases [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
A Four-Dimensional Continuum Theory of Space-Time and the Classical Physical Fields [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
A New Semi-Symmetric Unified Field Theory of the Classical Fields of Gravity and Electromagnetism [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Optical-Fiber Gravitational Wave Detector: Dynamical 3-Space Turbulence Detected [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the "Size" of Einstein's Universe [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Nature of the Microwave Background at the Lagrange 2 Point. Part I [ PDF ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
On the Nature of the Microwave Background at the Lagrange 2 Point. Part II [ PDF ]

Suhendro I.
A New Conformal Theory of Semi-Classical Quantum General Relativity [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Joint Wave-Particle Properties of the Individual Photon [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
A New Derivation of Biquaternion Schördinger Equation and Plausible Implications [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Thirty Unsolved Problems in the Physics of Elementary Particles [ PDF ]


Dunning-Davies J.
Charles Kenneth Thornhill (1917-2007) [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947) [ PDF ]

2007 (vol. 3), no. 3

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Earth Microwave Background: Absorption and Scattering by the Atmosphere [ PDF ]

Shalaby A.S. and El-Gogary M.M.H.
Phase-Variation Enhancement on Deuteron Elastic Scattering from Nuclei at Intermediate Energies [ PDF ]

Douari J. and Ali A.H.
Funnel's Fluctuations in Dyonic Case: Intersecting D1-D3 Branes [ PDF ]

Kotov B.A., Levin B.M. and Sokolov V.I.
On the Possibility of Nuclear Synthesis During Orthopositronium Formation by ß+ Decay Positrons in Deuterium [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
Reply on "Notes on Pioneer Anomaly Explanation by Sattellite-Shift Formula of Quaternion Relativity" [ PDF ]

Unruh W.G.
Comment on "Single Photon Experiments and Quantum Complementarity" by D. Georgiev [ PDF ]

Georgiev D.D.
Exact Mapping of Quantum Waves between Unruh's and Afshar's Setup (Reply to W. Unruh) [ PDF ]

Caltenco Franca J.H., López-Bonilla J.L. and Peña-Rivero R.
The Algebraic Rainich Conditions [ PDF ]

Basini G. and Capozziello S.
The Spacetime Structure of Open Quantum Relativity [ PDF ]

Yefremov A., Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Yang-Mills Field from Quaternion Space Geometry, and its Klein-Gordon Representation [ PDF ]

Panchelyuga V.A. and Shnoll S.E.
On the Dependence of a Local-Time Effect on Spatial Direction [ PDF ]

Panchelyuga V.A. and Shnoll S.E.
A Study of a Local Time Effect on Moving Sources of Fluctuations [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect based on General Relativity: Anti-Gravity Force due to the Perturbed Non-Holonomic Background of Space [ PDF ]


Apostol M.
Comment on the "Declaration of the Academic Freedom" by D. Rabounski [ PDF ]

Enders P.
Is Classical Statistical Mechanics Self-Consistent? (A paper in honor of C. F. von Weizsäcker, 1912-2007) [ PDF ]

Feinstein B.A.
Zelmanov's Anthropic Principle and Torah [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Декларация за Академична Свобода: Научни Човешки Права (the Bulgarian translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaraţie asupra Libertăţii Academice: Drepturile Omului în Domeniul Ştiinţific (the Romanian translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Déclaration de la Liberté Académique: Droits de l'Homme dans le Domain Scientifique (the French translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Декларация Академической Свободы: Права Человека в Научной Деятельности (the Russian translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

2007 (vol. 3), no. 2

Rabounski D.
The Theory of Vortical Gravitational Fields [ PDF ]

Borissova L.
Forces of Space Non-Holonomity as the Necessary Condition for Motion of Space Bodies [ PDF ]

Hu H. and Wu M.
Evidence of Non-local Chemical, Thermal and Gravitational Effects [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On Line-Elements and Radii: A Correction [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
Relativistic Cosmology Revisited [ PDF ]

Potter F. and Preston H.G.
Cosmological Redshift Interpreted as Gravitational Redshift  [ PDF ]

Pérez-Enríquez R., Marín J.L. and Riera R.
Exact Solution of the Three-Body Santilli-Shillady Model of the Hydrogen Molecule [ PDF ]

Tawfik W.
Study of the Matrix Effect on the Plasma Characterization of Six Elements in Aluminum Alloys using LIBS with a Portable Echelle Spectrometer [ PDF ]

A Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Twenty-Year Anniversary of the Orthopositronium Lifetime Anomalies: The Puzzle Remains Unresolved [ PDF ]

Levin B.M.
A Proposed Experimentum Crucis for the Orthopositronium Lifetime Anomalies [ PDF ]

Christianto V., Rapoport D.L. and Smarandache F.
Numerical Solution of Time-Dependent Gravitational Schördinger Equation [ PDF ]

Christianto V. and Smarandache F.
A Note on Unified Statistics Including Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and Tsallis Statistics, and Plausible Extension to Anisotropic Effect [ PDF ]

Rajamohan R. and Satya Narayanan A.
On the Rate of Change of Period for Accelerated Motion and Their Implications in Astrophysics Effect [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
Gravitation on a Spherically Symmetric Metric Manifold [ PDF ]

Stavroulakis N.
On the Propagation of Gravitation from a Pulsating Source [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Effect from Hyperbolic Law in Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Tawfik W.
Fast LIBS Identification of Aluminum Alloys [ PDF ]

Yefremov A.
Notes on Pioneer Anomaly Explanation by Sattellite-Shift Formula of Quaternion Relativity: Remarks on "Less Mundane Explanation of Pioneer Anomaly from Q-Relativity" [ PDF ]

Georgiev D.D.
Single Photon Experiments and Quantum Complementarity [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Upper Limit of the Periodic Table and Synthesis of Superheavy Elements [ PDF ]

2007 (vol. 3), no. 1

Robitaille P.-M.
WMAP: A Radiological Analysis [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
On the Origins of the CMB: Insight from the COBE, WMAP, and Relikt-1 Satellites [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
The Relativistic Effect of the Deviation between the CMB Temperatures Obtained by the COBE Satellite [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Momentum of the Pure Radiation Field [ PDF ]

Marinov S.
New Measurement of the Earth's Absolute Velocity with the Help of the "Coupled Shutters" Experiment [ PDF ]

Khazan A.
Upper Limit in the Periodic Table of Elements [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Less Mundane Explanation of Pioneer Anomaly from Q-Relativity [ PDF ]

Tawfik W. and Askar A.
Study of the Matrix Effect on the Plasma Characterization of Heavy Elements in Soil Sediments [ PDF ]

Navia C.E., Augusto C.R.A., Franceschini D.F., Robba M.B. and Tsui K.H.
Search for Anisotropic Light Propagation as a Function of Laser Beam Alignment Relative to the Earth's Velocity Vector [ PDF ]

Potter F. and Preston H.G.
Quantization State of Baryonic Mass in Clusters of Galaxies [ PDF  ]

Panchelyuga V.A., Kolombet V.A., Panchelyuga M.S. and Shnoll S.E.
Experimental Investigations of the Existence of a Local-Time Effect on the Laboratory Scale and the Heterogeneity of Space-Time [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
A High Temperature Liquid Plasma Model of the Sun [ PDF ]

2006 (vol. 2), no. 4

Rabounski D.
New Effect of General Relativity: Thomson Dispersion of Light in Stars as a Machine Producing Stellar Energy [ PDF ]

Mina A.N. and Phillips A.H.
Frequency Resolved Detection over a Large Frequency Range of the Fluctuations in an Array of Quantum Dots [ PDF ]

Lo C.Y.
Completing Einstein's Proof of E=mc2 [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
A Source of Energy for Any Kind of Star [ PDF ]

Dunning-Davies J.
The Thermodynamics Associated with Santilli's Hadronic Mechanism [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
A Note on Geometric and Information Fusion Interpretation of Bell's Theorem and Quantum Measurement [ PDF ]

Zheng-Johansson J.X. and Johansson P.-I.
Developing de Broglie Wave [ PDF ]

The CTFRP Editors
The Classical Theory of Fields Revision Project (CTFRP) [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Plausible Explanation of Quantization of Intrinsic Redshift from Hall Effect and Weyl Quantization [ PDF ]

Claycomb J.R. and Chu R.C.
Geometrical Dynamics in a Transitioning Superconducting Sphere [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Black Holes and Quantum Theory: The Fine Structure Constant Connection [ PDF ]

Borissova L.
Preferred Spatial Directions in the Universe: a General Relativity Approach [ PDF ]

Borissova L.
Preferred Spatial Directions in the Universe. Part II. Matter Distributed along Orbital Trajectories, and Energy Produced from It [ PDF ]

Basini G. and Capozziello S.
Multi-Spaces and Many Worlds from Conservation Laws [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
A New Light-Speed Anisotropy Experiment: Absolute Motion and Gravitational Waves Detected [ PDF ]

2006 (vol. 2), no. 3

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaratie van Academische Vrijheid: Wetenschappelijke Mensenrechten (the Dutch translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On Isotropic Coordinates and Einstein's Gravitational Field [ PDF ]

Rabounski D., Smarandache F. and Borissova L.
S-Denying of the Signature Conditions Expands General Relativity's Space [ PDF ]

Hu H. and Wu M.
Nonlocal Effects of Chemical Substances on the Brain Produced through Quantum Entanglement [ PDF ]

Castro C. and Pavšič M.
The Extended Relativity Theory in Clifford Spaces: Reply to a Review by W. A. Rodrigues, Jr. [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the Regge-Wheeler Tortoise and the Kruskal-Szekeres Coordinates [ PDF ]

Feinstein C.A.
Complexity Science for Simpletons [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Steady Particle States of Revised Electromagnetics [ PDF ]

Borissova L. and Smarandache F.
Positive, Neutral, and Negative Mass-Charges in General Relativity [ PDF ]

Christov C.I.
Much Ado about Nil: Reflection from Moving Mirrors and the Interferometry Experiments [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
The Roland De Witte 1991 Experiment (to the Memory of Roland De Witte) [ PDF ]

Abdel-Rahman M.A., Abdel-Rahman M., Abo-Elsoud M., Eissa M.F., Lotfy Y.A. and Badawi E.A.
Effect of Alpha-Particle Energies on CR-39 Line-Shape Parameters Using Positron Annihilation Technique [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J. and Dunning-Davies J.
Planck Particles and Quantum Gravity [ PDF ]

Chung D. and Krasnoholovets V.
The Quantum Space Phase Transitions for Particles and Force Fields [ PDF ]

Zheng-Johansson J.X.
Spectral Emission of Moving Atom Exhibits always a Redshift [ PDF ]

Casuso Romate E. and Beckman J.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Breaking the Continuum Hypothesis? [ PDF ]

Abo-Elsoud M.
Phenomenological Model for Creep Behaviour in Cu-8.5 at.% Al Alloy [ PDF ]

Abdel-Rahman M., Abo-Elsoud M., Eissa M.F., Kamel N.A., Lotfy Y.A. and Badawi E.A.
Positron Annihilation Line Shape Parameters for CR-39 Irradiated by Different Alpha-Particle Doses [ PDF ]

2006 (vol. 2), no. 2

Rabounski D.
Correct Linearization of Einstein's Equations [ PDF ]

Lo C.Y.
Einstein's Equivalence Principle and Invalidity of Thorne's Theory for LIGO [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
3-Space In-Flow Theory of Gravity: Boreholes, Blackholes and the Fine Structure Constant [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
The Solar Photosphere: Evidence for Condensed Matter [ PDF ]

Robitaille P.-M.
An Analysis of Universality in Blackbody Radiation [ PDF ]

Robertson G.A.
Exotic Material as Interactions Between Scalar Fields [ PDF ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L.
Exact Theory to a Gravitational Wave Detector. New Experiments Proposed [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E.
Changes in the Fine Structure of Stochastic Distributions as a Consequence of Space-Time Fluctuations [ PDF ]

Castro C.
On the Coupling Constants, Geometric Probability and Complex Domains [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
A Brief History of Black Holes [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
The Neutrosophic Logic View to Schördinger Cat Paradox [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Christianto V.
Schördinger Equation and the Quantization of Celestial Systems [ PDF ]

Stavroulakis N.
Non-Euclidean Geometry and Gravitation [ PDF ]

Vikin B.P.
Gravitational Perturbations as a Possible Cause for Instability in the Measurements of Positron Annihilation [ PDF ]

Lehnert B.
Photon Physics of Revised Electromagnetics [ PDF ]

Castro C.
On Area Coordinates and Quantum Mechanics in Yang's Noncommutative Spacetime with a Lower and Upper Scale [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaracion de Libertad Academica: Derechos cientificos del Ser Humano (the Spanish translation of the Declaration of Academic Freedom) [ PDF ]

2006 (vol. 2), no. 1

Potter F.
Unification of Interactions in Discrete Spacetime [ PDF ]

Lo C.Y.
On Interpretations of Hubble's Law and the Bending of Light [ PDF ]

Smarandache F. and Rabounski D.
Unmatter Entities inside Nuclei, Predicted by the Brightsen Nucleon Cluster Model [ PDF ]

Yershov V.N.
Fermions as Topological Objects [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Dynamical Fractal 3-Space and the Generalised Schördinger Equation: Equivalence Principle and Vorticity Effects [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
Zelmanov's Anthropic Principle and the Infinite Relativity Principle [ PDF ]

Castro C. and Mahecha J.
On Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics, Brownian Motion, Weyl Geometry and Fisher Information [ PDF ]

Lo C.Y.
The Gravity of Photons and the Necessary Rectification of Einstein Equation [ PDF ]

Rughede O.D.
On the Theory and Physics of the Aether [ PDF ]

Open Letter by the Editor-in-Chief
Declaration of Academic Freedom (Scientific Human Rights) [ PDF ]

2005 (vol. 1), no. 3

Arp H.
Observational Cosmology: From High Redshift Galaxies to the Blue Pacific [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the General Solution to Einstein's Vacuum Field for the Point-Mass when lambda λ≠0 and Its Consequences for Relativistic Cosmology [ PDF ]

Ratcliffe H.
The First Crisis in Cosmology Conference. Monção, Portugal, June 2005 [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
The Michelson and Morley 1887 Experiment and the Discovery of Absolute Motion [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Gravity Probe B Frame-Dragging Effect [ PDF ]

Oros di Bartini R.
Relations Between Physical Constants [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
Introducing Distance and Measurement in General Relativity: Changes for the Standard Tests and the Cosmological Large-Scale [ PDF ]

Dunning-Davies J.
A Re-Examination of Maxwell's Electrodynamics Equations [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T.
Black Holes in Elliptical and Spiral Galaxies and in Globular Clusters [ PDF ]

Gaastra E.
Is the Biggest Paradigm Shift in the History of Science at Hand? [ PDF ]

Kozyrev N.A.
Sources of Stellar Energy and the Theory of the Internal Constitution of Stars [ PDF ]

2005 (vol. 1), no. 2

Crothers S.J.
On the Geometry of the General Solution for the Vacuum Field of the Point-Mass [ PDF ]

Rabounski D.
A Theory of Gravity Like Electrodynamics [ PDF ]

Borissova L.
Gravitational Waves and Gravitational Inertial Waves in the General Theory of Relativity: A Theory and Experiments [ PDF ]

Castro C.
On Geometric Probability, Holography, Shilov Boundaries and the Four Physical Coupling Constants of Nature [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the Generalisation of Kepler's 3rd Law for the Vacuum Field of the Point-Mass [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the Vacuum Field of a Sphere of Incompressible Fluid [ PDF ]

Harokopos E.
Power as the Cause of Motion and a New Foundation of Classical Mechanics [ PDF ]

Capozziello S., De Martino S. and Tzenov S.
Hydrodynamic Covariant Symplectic Structure from Bilinear Hamiltonian Functions [ PDF ]

Rabounski D., Borissova L. and Smarandache F.
Entangled Particles and Quantum Causality Threshold in the General Theory of Relativity [ PDF ]

Cahill R.T and Klinger C.M.
Bootstrap Universe from Self-Referential Noise [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Verifying Unmatter by Experiments, More Types of Unmatter, and a Quantum Chromodynamics Formula [ PDF ]

2005 (vol. 1), no. 1

Rabounski D.
A New Method to Measure the Speed of Gravitation [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
Quantum Quasi-Paradoxes and Quantum Sorites Paradoxes [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
A New Form of Matter — Unmatter, Composed of Particles and Anti-Particles [ PDF ]

Nottale L.
Fractality Field in the Theory of Scale Relativity [ PDF ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D.
On the Possibility of Instant Displacements in the Space-Time of General Relativity [ PDF ]

Castro C.
On Dual Phase-Space Relativity, the Machian Principle and Modified Newtonian Dynamics [ PDF ]

Castro C. and Pavšič M.
The Extended Relativity Theory in Clifford Spaces [ PDF ]

Dombrowski K.
Rational Numbers Distribution and Resonance [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the General Solution to Einstein's Vacuum Field and Its Implications for Relativistic Degeneracy [ PDF ]

Crothers S.J.
On the Ramifications of the Schwarzschild Space-Time Metric [ PDF ]

Shnoll S.E., Rubinshtein I.A., Zenchenko K.I., Shlekhtarev V.A., Kaminsky A.V., Konradov A.A. and Udaltsova N.V.
Experiments with Rotating Collimators Cutting out Pencil of Alpha-Particles at Radioactive Decay of 239-Pu Evidence Sharp Anisotropy of Space [ PDF ]

Smarandache F.
There Is No Speed Barrier for a Wave Phase Nor for Entangled Particles [ PDF ]


Progress in Physics is supported solely by financial contributions from its authors. It does not accept financial support from silent donors, private groups, or organizations. Progress in Physics grants permission to anyone to maintain their own personal archive of the journal, provided that these remain for non-commerical, academic, or personal use and do not represent themselves as official sponsors of the journal.

Copyright © Progress in Physics

Editorial Board

Dmitri Rabounski

Pierre Millette

Andreas Ries

Florentin Smarandache

Larissa Borissova

Ebenezer Chifu

Postal Address

Prof. Florentin Smarandache
Department of Mathematics and Science,
University of New Mexico, 705 Gurley Avenue,
Gallup, NM 87301, USA

Associated Links

Zelmanov Journal ] [ Neutrosophy Journal ] [ De Investigatione Temporum ] [ Colour Fractals ]

Issues of the Journal

Individual issues of Progress in Physics are available for download via direct links from the Progress in Physics website (designated below as PiP). An alternative download is available from the University of New Mexico website (designed as UNM):




































































Annual Volumes

Each of the annual volumes of Progress in Physics contains all issues of the journal published during the year. The annual issues are available for download via direct links from the Progress in Physics website:

2023, vol.19

2020, vol.16

2021, vol.17

2022, vol.18

2017, vol.13

2018, vol.14

2019, vol.15

2014, vol.10

2015, vol.11

2016, vol.12

2011, vol.7

2012, vol.8

2013, vol.9

2008, vol.4

2009, vol.5

2010, vol.6

2005, vol.1

2006, vol.2

2007, vol.3

Declaration of Academic Freedom

Declaration of Academic Freedom (scientific human rights) known also as the Academic Bill of Rights is authored by Dmitri Rabounski, Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Physics. The original text of the Declaration in English was published in the journal as his open letter to the scientific community (2006, no.1, 57-60). It was later translated into several other languages. Both the orginal text and the translations are accessed herefrom:

Declaration of Academic Freedom by Dmitri Rabounski, Progress in Physics, 2006, no.1, 57-60. [ Download ]

Spanish translation, Progress in Physics, 2006, no.2, 93-96. [ Download ]

Dutch translation, Progress in Physics, 2006, no.3, 3-6. [ Download ]

Bulgarian translation, Progress in Physics, 2007, no.3, 90-93. [ Download ]

Romanian translation, Progress in Physics, 2007, no.3, 94-97. [ Download ]

French translation, Progress in Physics, 2007, no.3, 98-101. [ Download ]

Russian translation, Progress in Physics, 2007, no.3, 102-106. [ Download ]

Portuguese translation, Progress in Physics, 2011, no.4, L1-L4. [ Download ]

Arabic translation, Progress in Physics, 2011, no.4, L5-L7. [ Download ]

Slovene translation, Progress in Physics, 2013, no.4, L1-L4. [ Download ]

Books for Download

This page also represents selected monographs, written by the Authors of the Journal. Electronic copies of all the books are available for free download and re-distribution for any user free of charge, according to the copyright agreement printed on Page 2 of each book, which is according to the Budapest Open Initiative:

Borissova L. and Rabounski D. Inside Stars. The 3rd revised edition, New Scientific Frontiers, London, 2023 [ English ] [ Russian ]

Borissova L. and Rabounski D. Fields, Vacuum, and the Mirror Universe. The 3rd revised edition, New Scientific Frontiers, London, 2023 [ English ] [ Français ] [ Russian ]

Rabounski D. and Borissova L. Particles Here and Beyond the Mirror. The 4th revised edition, New Scientific Frontiers, London, 2023 [ English ] [ Français ] [ Russian ]

Danicus D. DE INVESTIGATIONE TEMPORUM. 2022 (final complete edition) [ English ] [ Russian ]

Millette P.A. Elastodynamics of the Spacetime Continuum. The 2nd expanded edition. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2019 [ Download ]

Müller H. Global Scaling. The Fundamentals of Interscalar Cosmology. New Heritage Publishers, Brooklyn (NY), 2018 [ Download ]

Цельник Ф.А. Ирония Метода. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2015 [ Download ]

Shnoll S.E. Cosmophysical Factors in Stochastic Processes. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2012 [ English ] [ Russian ]

Khazan A. Upper Limit in Mendeleev's Periodic Table — Element No. 155. The 3rd expanded edition, American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2012 [ 3rd Edition ] [ 2nd Edition ] [ 1st Edition ]

Quznetsov G. Final Book on Fundamental Theoretical Physics. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2011 [ Download ]

Suhendro I. Spin-Curvature and the Unification of Fields in a Twisted Space. Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008 [ Download ]

Lehnert B. A Revised Electromagnetic Theory With Fundamental Applications. Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008 [ Download ]

Sahay S.K. Data Analysis of Gravitational Waves. Svenska fysikarkivet, Stockholm, 2008 [ Download ]

Zelmanov A. Chronometric Invariants. The 1944 PhD thesis, American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006 [ English ] [ Russian ]

Rabounski D., Smarandache F., Borissova L. Neutrosophic Methods in General Relativity. Hexis Publishers, Phoenix (Arizona), 2005 [ English ] [ Russian ]

Marinov S. Eppur si Muove. East-West Publishers, Graz, 1987 [ 1.5Mb DjVu ] [ 10.9Mb PDF ]

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